What’s the “intimate detail”? The novelty I got here was the revelation of three instead of two proteins involved in this binding site. Is that “the” binding between the egg and sperm or is it a secondary/support linkage?
What’s the “intimate detail”? The novelty I got here was the revelation of three instead of two proteins involved in this binding site. Is that “the” binding between the egg and sperm or is it a secondary/support linkage?
At first I saw something silhouetted on a card table. Then Action entered the story and I had to choose an adventure after being asked what happened.
I figured how it rolls might depend on who pushed it, and I already knew that. Kevin. Why he did it was less clear. Muscle memory placed us at a table in the canteen. Sitting across from him on any ordinary day, some rolled up piece of napkin or a wad of garbage paper might present itself as a projectile to reach him across the plates and glass between us.
Tonight we were in my kitchen, together there for the first time. I’d moved the table into the corner with both leaves open to make extra space for snacks for the party. We pushed the pretzels and empties aside and sat facing each other off the edge of the table, knees nearly interlocked.
My chin was on my hand and my heart was on the ceiling. We were laughing about something when I noticed the toy baseball on the table. The stairs creaked and the sound of background chatter crept in like a breeze that chilled my spine. He flicked the ball, and it rolled fast off the edge then fell to the floor with a flat thud.
The phone on the wall behind him rang, and I clicked to review the test questions.
I imagined it and felt more secure in not proselytizing.
“Attention all, I went somewhere else!” OK love that for you.
PSA the mission never ends, padre! Last I heard Joseph of Arimathea had 26 conversions in AD 46.
“Centralized DNS” is an oxymoron, we’ll have to agree to disagree
anywhere you can see a map
So, an authority? It sounds like this would complicate DNSSEC by requiring the “root keys” to be stored outside the DNS itself.
That’s very noble to be concerned for those people
| The deal – reached after years of negotiations - will see the UK hand over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius in a historic move.
What changed quickly here? You guys are terrified of the mention of the idea of possibly having to plan to commit to a change lol “normal ones” 😂
Who issued the key?
“real people still exist” shocked pikachu
How do you get to lemmy.world
and every.to
in a world without a common, public namespace? Should lemmy.world
be registered in every country? How do SSL and trust in identity play into all this?
OK poof there are now 100 name servers delegating .com. Which one does your ISP default you to? [1-100]
Internet journalism means you can sensationalize hypotheticals like “The IANA may fudge its own rules” and “Money talks” without having to provide a source for those claims.
And why should I be careful choosing a TLD or interpret this as a warning? The Internet isn’t breaking, it’s changing. All this does is fear monger in favor of one Pope of the Internet.
Yes, Anyone Else has been seeing problems since the days of Bell up through the development and privatization of ICANN and beyond. But outrage over “a TLD is no longer delegated” is stupid shit. Where should ICANN be based and how would that influence its decision making processes?
Splitting off Chrome, Android, or Google Play isn’t a meaningful, earnest act of “anti-trust” while AWS is allowed to control the data centers. All the web apps and click tracks are there, ICANN’s children, and a growing number of federal departments.
requiring “Google to provide support for educational-awareness campaigns that would enhance the ability of users to choose the general search engine that suits them best.”
Real power move there, I feel the competition returning already.
I think I need a rewatch with this new perspective. I saw Enlightenment to Romanticism through a lens of British stuffiness that gave the veneer of “light hearted”, but Ow My Balls makes a little more sense with a layer of mid-Atlantic mud. I already got Boob Comedies from Ren and Stimpy through Family Guy. What I want is hero stories to save Atlas, but the scornful judgment in the movie’s framing is a force of Christian conservatism trapping him between two worlds.
Here’s a random paranoid tangent before lunch! I was reading recently about the evolution of theater in England over a hundred years from ~1550-1650. Elizabeth ruled during the first part of that interval, and Shakespeare wrote. His plays included perspectives from wide slices of society and were performed for royalty and commoners alike. Elizabeth died and private theatrical commissions began to outgrow public theater, which according to wikipedia “sustained themselves on the accumulated works of the previous decades”.
Starting in 1642 theaters were closed entirely by act of a Puritanical Parliament. That ban lasted 18 years and once the audience was Quite Thirsty, the English Restoration restored theater abstractly and filled it with bawdy raunch.
Yada yada, Disney then hired a crew of weepy Christian writers in the 20th century to repackage folk tales into Little Mermaid and Iron Man, which seems parallel enough to Shakespeare retelling Ovid. Film flourished, and in the early days of broadcast TV anybody could star in their own very own program. The Writers were on the brink of delivering us Heroes, but they up and left before they could save the cheerleader.
Now this age of regurgitated, computer animated-and-written, crowdsource produced art seems familiar, too. We’re filling the gaps with what we know, and the Appalachians wielding the pen are finding gaps they didn’t know were there. It’s odd being here, but my point is that if we are stuck in a loop then there’s the potential that on the horizon is a period of Hollywood producing a bunch of light hearted Boob Comedies.
I’m not blaming, I don’t think the reporting is horny either. The concept is fascinating, if anything I’m horny for more of a middle ground between fluff and the original paper.