It went from 10 to 20 on me. Considering all I lost (YT red premium content, google play music, etc) I just canceled then enabled a single user free account I get via Google fi. With money saved, bought family a spotify family plan
It went from 10 to 20 on me. Considering all I lost (YT red premium content, google play music, etc) I just canceled then enabled a single user free account I get via Google fi. With money saved, bought family a spotify family plan
Great write up!
The word ‘tips’ originally came from an acronym “To Insure Proper Service”.
Inspiring posts here. I toss a minor fix here and there. Amazing to see what yall are up to.
I started with a DS216Play back in 2016. It’s been running 7 years non stop. It can serve so much including Plex but the cpu is too weak to do serious transcoding. I recently pulled the trigger on a DS220+. As before I got WD Reds as my older 5400rpm have worked so well over time. You can do your own research but at present only intel based can really transcode.
I use my NASes as the primary storage class in my k3s via nfs provisioned. More recently I setup a functional docker registry and instance on them.
We got this guy Not Sure…