Yeah, I use Voyager on my phone, and it’s got the jump button to jump to the next parent comment. It was just muscle memory that I was trying to click on the left of the comment chain to close it like on old Reddit with RES.
Yeah, I use Voyager on my phone, and it’s got the jump button to jump to the next parent comment. It was just muscle memory that I was trying to click on the left of the comment chain to close it like on old Reddit with RES.
I guess the one I miss the most is having a bar on the left of the posts that I can click, which will close the comments.
Thanks for pointing me to that community. I subscribed.
Thanks, I’ll look into it!
Well, anyone else, but not me. I know next to nothing - no wait, I know actual nothing - about coding.
NewsBlur. Been there since the unceremonious execution of GReader. It gets the job done.
I was so upset about it that I almost de-Googled. And I was all-in on the Google ecosystem. In the end I begrudgingly continued on because I didn’t have the time or energy to find replacements for everything.
But yes, I’m still angry over it. I like NewsBlur, it does everything I need, but I still miss Google Reader, and I would go back to it in a second.
It’s such a great song, I wish I could hear it again for the first time.