I think you’ve confused coil for induction, and gas stoves definitely cause cancer. So do cars.
There are two kinds of electric. Induction, and coil. Are you talking about induction or coil?
Narcissistic abuse is an unofficial diagnosis because it doesn’t exist. I asked for extraordinary evidence, and you gave evidence that isn’t even good enough to meet the regular standards. You’re just spreading baseless rumours with no grounding in peer reviewed science.
Neurotypicals can’t be long term abusers.
Oh. You’re just saying the quiet part out loud.
usually CPTSD is caused by being surrounded by abusive narcissists.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
surrounded by abusive narcissists,
Hey, that’s discriminatory. They could have easily been surrounded by abusive autists, abusive schizophrenics, or even abusive neurotypicals.
It’s like when you’re having a conversation on autopilot.
“Mum, can I play with my frisbee?” Sure, honey. “Mum, can I have an ice cream from the fridge?” Sure can. “Mum, can I invade Poland?” Absolutely, whatever you want.