I’ll be the one: use rtorrent
I’ll be the one: use rtorrent
My wristband snapped… So not completely.
Well. I have used https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android for ages… Guess that will continue?
Markor is absolutely amazing. Pair it with syncthing.
Find it will mentained on play, froid and github https://github.com/gsantner/markor
Last i looked into it, joplin had a bug which ment syncthing didnt work . Can’t remember the details but the solution was pinning an old version.
I am much much happier with markor notes + syncthing.
Super sinple, 100 % foss, sync what you want .
Thx. Interesting. But a bit to expensive.
Is there really no watch i can just connect to my pc and transfer data?
On android opentracks, fitotracks etc are great applications.
Yes. But thats not word. Thats something else entirely which atleast my employer would never use (security, long term support, offline, integration with 3rd parties etc)
Disagree. E.g. Word typography is not as advanced as LibreOffice. And words document master is buggy as hell.
But yes. Excel can handle big files now. Still sucks at im- and exporting different csv formats…
But… Because it’s integrated so we’ll with windows, is faster most of the time.
In reality: of course word should be a better program and it does get lots of loving from redmond. Only because: if no new features, no new sales. And since word is mostly a solved problem, redmond invented new problems…
Working with a LO user and a sub par program always beats working with a word user who can’t use styles, review, and merge documents.
Syncthing can backup your photos on Android.
I’ve never really understood Usenet. As i understand it, usenetb is essentially centralized. Even though the experience might be better, i feel it is less safe? Also when taken into account there is payment and therefore zero anonymity…
That’s cool. Thanks. It seems i stand corrected. I’ll look into it. Still it really shows how bad individual transportation is for the environment.
Agree. A new EV needs to drive many years to offset the carbon emission during production of said car. The best thing you can do for the environment (if you want to drive a car) is to keep driving the car you already have. Second best it’s too but a used car. It’s horrendous. We give tax credits to incentives people to buy new conspicuous shit, while punishing those that keep their old, healthy cars.
It’s totally Keyser Söze: the biggest trick the car industry pulled was convincing the public new, big EV cars were actually good for the environment.
I think the conduite server should be very lightweight, secure and easy to set up. But it’s leaking video
Send is super cool! Fixed you link: https://timvisee.com/projects/send/
Looks really kool. Reminds me of tiddlywiki but yet totally different. The authentication is very briefly touched upon. What kind of auth is it? Maybe more robust to just use http auth via caddy?
I (not op) have a 100 mbps connection. That’s not very fast. Would i even benefit from such a router? I currently have 2 x asus RT-AC88U but the mesh functionality is not great. I have brig walls. The way i understand it, for my needs, wiring is the only way to go?
Markor + synvthing
Joplin uses it’s own database so interoperability is not perfect. Markor is so effing cool. That’s on Android. On the laptop I use want ever is best suited for the task. Most often, a vim variant of notepad++
You will probably have tradeoffs. And somehow need to script accept that at some point, you need to trust someone. At the very least with firmware. And you probably need to change workflow.
I find cryptpadb works almost as well as Google docs did a few years ago.
Iwantmyname.com ticked almost all boxes last i looked. Hasnt been mentioned yet. https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&query=iwantmyname.com&sort=byDate&type=comment