Also battle eye works (same with EAC) on Linux you just need to enable it
Also battle eye works (same with EAC) on Linux you just need to enable it
Even then that’s not that accurate, more like move to a different place. It’s inconvenient and might not have all the same things you wanted/liked from your old place but you can actually change things in the new place if you really want to
The ever lasting war between bandwidth and latancy
Yeah modding is basically the same assuming you don’t have to use some kind of installer for them then it would be a bit more complicated, however I’d imagine using wine would solve that for the most part (haven’t installed mods through an installer on Linux so can’t speak much on that)
And also you might need to learn where Linux stores those game files but you can always just use steam to directly open the game folder
Basically Madison got misled when getting hired, was expected to do way too much work, was verbally and physically sexually abused, and overall just treated like absolute shit. Not to mention that she was belittled when she complained about it
Yeah people are very much lazy and that’s fine, you just have to work around that and well culture is one way of getting people to do what should be done.
As you say Foss does impact quite a lot of those company products however what is the important part of the casual user is what and how they interact directly with the products and well at no point are they expected to directly impact the project, it’s just you use what you are given. That is why they have that people will do things for me mindset bc that is what happens with almost everything the use
I find him only responding in the forums sketchy, like I a lot of people have an will watch gamers Nexus video and will want a response from Linus. If Linus actually wanted to clear the air why wouldn’t you do it on the wan show, he did it with the trust me bro situation. Almost nobody who watched the GM’s video will read this post and I think that’s what Linus wants, less eyes on the situation.
A couple of other things am sorry but DW guys we had a bit of a miscommunication with billet labs and sold their best prototype but we are gonna pay them back soon*tm is an awful way of handling it.
Also with the inaccuracies he doesn’t actually address the problem, they are making too many videos too quickly, no matter how many checks and balances you put in if you rush people you will get a rushed shitty product. Not to mention he doesn’t actually respond to the glaring issues of benchmarks being wrong or them trying to get the benchmarks to fit amds given ones or hell the clear conflicts of interest with noctua or Asus
We just don’t live in a world where making the changes you want are encouraged. We have been thought to just accept whatever changes happen or at most file a suggestion that almost noone will listen to. Obviously open source is different but it’s still such a tiny minority compared to how the rest of the world functions
NGL I actually didn’t know that I can do such a thing. I do still kinda have a closed source mindset in that anything I use I cannot change or Influence. Like I knew that other people can do that but I didn’t know I can do that
You know you don’t have to go out and look for those things, if by chance you learn that a significant figure has done bad shit that you don’t support then stop using whatever they created. Also Firefox is an option
Exactly this, most IP revenue comes from companies just either buying it from the original creator or hired people to make the IP that they never even had rights to
Eh idk, my sister worked a lot harder in maths than I did (I barely did anything) however she still struggled to get good at it. How much effort you put in doesn’t correlation that well with how good you get.
Plus idk I don’t like the implication that bc you are not succeeding you are not working hard enough.
Hmm how old is your Samsung TV? Jellyfin doesn’t have an official app that you can find in their app store however you can side load it (it’s called jellyfin tizen)
I’ll be honest and it was far from an easy task to side load it and I don’t actually remember how I got it installed in the end but it is doable and works great
Eh even for Android most people are normies to the point where I wouldn’t see the simplification that normies use Android an incorrect one. Sure android probably has a higher % of non normies but even then I doubt it’s a high percentage.
Assuming by android we mean the android flavour that came with their phone
Also question is, what is your internet speed? as that might be a bottleneck there. The streaming services might just be lowering the resolution due to a bad internet connection. Also might be worth trying chrome as the browser.