I appreciate the social awareness, but can we just have a nice thread about elephants for once
Try potatoes. They’re ridiculously cheap (where I am) and loaded with nutrients.
quit JAQing off bro
Then I can’t eat all the wide variety of delicious meals that are only possible with a slow cooker.
Thanks, I’ll try qbit then!
I live in the US, what do you think are the chances I’ll face repercussions for a a terabyte or two of music and such? I just set up proton VPN and I’m using utorrent.
Can you imagine how heavy one of those would be at full scale?
IDK why people are downvoting you, that’s essentially how it works. Everything is super interconnected now, but it wasn’t always that way and the constitution hasn’t been updated to reflect it.
English can be difficult for western Europeans because it is the mutant child of both Germanic and Latin based languages that picks and chooses which words and rules to use at random.
Connect is a mobile app for Lemmy. That is quite a nice stick.
I have you tagged on Connect as “ask about the stick”, and so now I must ask, about the stick?
IDK man my toaster oven works pretty well
It’s not just about if her wins, it’s about what those states might try to pull if they lose.
As excited as I am to see my home city actually growing and gaining national attention, I miss the chill cow-town vibes. Traffic is only gonna get worse from here.