Ah, but are we not professional shitposters, monsieur??
& through our professionalism, as shitposters, our … lack of scientific credentials … can be excused, oui?
: p
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Ah, but are we not professional shitposters, monsieur??
& through our professionalism, as shitposters, our … lack of scientific credentials … can be excused, oui?
: p
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Spamming & self-promotion are 2 separate things you say, but try telling that to Dr. Al Sears, who’s a shill…
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Go look-up “paper mill” science…
This article’s existence suggests that Retraction Watch should be checked, as a prerequisite to one’s posting anything!
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Call it Ouranos, & commenter-asininity should be reduced.
Explicitly mention in the rules, that if someone finds an item on some not-allowed-source interesting,
then they should go look-for a proper-science article giving the same core-meaning
& that would be acceptable.
There’s a principle that the most-famous-convict-in-the-world held-to, that Science is supposed to also hold-to…
“it doesn’t matter who says it: if it’s True, then it’s True, end-of-story.”
I’ve seen “authorities” assert that there is “no scientific evidence” or “no valid evidence” for some supplement, then simply gone on PubMed & found 800-ish peer-reviewed articles on exactly that supplement, so the “authorities” are just pushing ideology/prejudice, since evidence has been contradicting them for years, before they made their “authoritative” declaration…
I’m kinda fed-up with Scientism masquerading & gaslighting as Empiricism, you know?
( & this doesn’t even touch the nobody will do the experiment, therefore there’s no “evidence” because nobody “can afford” to assert the evidence bullshit…
A South Korean experiment, iirc, years ago, did a single-plutonium-atom-in-each-of-some-mice experiment, letting the mice reproduce, & then cracking whether there was any statistically-significant-cancer-rate-difference in the plutonium-adulterated lineages, vs the others…
& discovered that there is…
But, of course, if THAT were replicated, then … ALL nuclear-safety-regulations would be trashed, because the multiple-generations-tests are NOT done, because we CAN’T afford to know that!!, right??
Same with the “we don’t know what could be causing The Cold Blob™ off of Greenland, but we won’t include Greenland ice-melt in our climate-models, so therefore there’s NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that that’s what it is!!” gaslighting…
NOW they’ve done that inclusion, & discovered that AMOC began shutting-off around 1950, & this-decade will see about 1,000,000+ fewer cubic km of flow, than the 1940-1950 decade ( Nature Geoscience for that article, it was linked from Earth.com, a few days ago )…
Won’t-do-the-experiment is itself pseudoscience!!
Feel free to delete my comment from this discussion, since it contradicts consensus/Scientism’s establishment…
Here’s the AMOC-is-shutting-down, will be down 33% at 2C, article:
Here’s The Cold Blob whose source hasn’t been scientifically established, to use their phrase:
( seriously: what ELSE could be its source??
Greenland’s nearly-6k-cubic-km in the last few years icemelt HAS to go somewhere, right?
Isn’t considered-reasoning part of The Scientific Method, anymore?
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Read Kahnneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow” ebook,
it’s the root-understanding of EVERYTHING happening in our world, now:
There are 2 mind-systems:
He calls them “system 1” & “system 2”, but that requires everybody to already-know what context he’s meaning,
which is delusional!
I call 'em Kahneman1 & Kahneman2.
Kahneman1-mind is imprint->reaction mind, aka ideology/prejudice/religion/programming mind.
It is identity-tied, & it is immune-to-falsification, it is default-mind.
Kahneman2-mind is considered reasoning mind, & it isn’t default.
Kahneman1-mind is simply fighting-off/destroying … Kahneman2-mind’s violation of total-Kahneman1-mind dominion.
ie ideology-with-no-thinking-left world, is what’s going to be ruling everything, in a few years.
( which makes this-species surviving ClimatePunctuation … unlikely,
so The Great Filter will probably have only silence on this world, next century )
It’s ideology.
Reasoning’s disallowed by Kahneman1-mind.
Any time that facts, evidence, considered-reasoning threatens to be needed, Kahneman1-mind substitutes more-convenient “answers” for the imposed questions, to prevent considered-reasoning from having any say … and right-there’s your answer.
Their identity is anti-civil-rights, anti-“below-their-class” lives,
THEREFORE they automatically feel-need to destroy what offends them: by existing, by presuming-validity, etc…
Earlier-today I encountered my 1st Trump-cult “of course she isn’t qualified: she’s a woman! Trump is qualified. Trump rightly won.” prejudice…
Anybody who can carve it in G-D’s eye that Kamala Harris is “unqualified”, after she utterly-trounced Trump in a debate, from what I’d been told, is living in imprint->reaction-mind, Kahneman1-mind, ideology/prejudice/religion/programming mind.
There is no point in trying to reason with it.
It’ll either succeed in exterminating all “others”, butchering-off all lives in its way,
XOR it’ll, itself ( ideology/prejudice/“religion” exterminating considered-reasoning ) be exterminated from ruling our world.
IF ideology/prejudice/“religion” wins, THEN there won’t be ANY humankind next century.
IF considered-reasoning wins, THEN there won’t be any ideology/prejudice/“religion” ruling this world, anywhere, next century, & I expect that maybe even a 100 million survivors might live…
I DON’T expect the tantrum/pogrom to be instant ( nuclear-incineration for all ), rather it’ll be a grinding war-of-attrition, as the idiotic unconscious-at-the-wheel Left continues relying on its assumed-win & its making-believing, losing country after country, & the narcissistic/machiavellian/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty ideologues keep using what they’ve gained to gain more, until finally, in … 2040 or so, total global pogrom/tantrum can get going, & keep grinding until there’s nothing left alive.
So, I expect that between now & 2031, political opportunism & regional wars will be dominant,
but it won’t be until the 2031-2039-ish period when the world will be carved into totalitarian empires, where ONLY ideology/prejudice/programming/“religion” exists, vs … the helpless remnants of NATO ( which Trump’ll gut before then, as he sides with Putin, his backer-for-decades )…
So, now until 2031, political carving up the world, some limited wars, ideological butchery, extinguishment of civil-rights…
2031 until 2039-40-ish, literally carving-up-the-world into empires ( 3 major ones, Trump-backed Russia, CCP, & Saudi ), with Modi’s Hindutva India being turned into hamburger by China, & becoming property, like all of Asia, of China’s Communist Party…
East Europe’ll be Russian Empire property ( which’ll be just a puppet of China, tbh ),
& Middle-East & Africa’ll be Saudi empire…
South America? China’s been investing in highjacking it, & the US has been investing in bullying & subjugating it, so I’m assuming it’ll go with China.
US’s Civil War Part2 should be in simmering-mode until 2031, then in WHITE-REPUBLICAN-EXTERMINATION-OF-“OTHERS” mode from then on ( which is why the 3 big-empires get to own most of the world simultaneously…
then once the US’s butchered, all it takes is 1 calendar-convenient natural-catastrophe to hit the US, & … suddenly … it obliges ALL the enemies of the West to launch EVERYTHING THEY’VE GOT, IMMEDIATELY, which should happen in 2039 or 2040 or something… ( not before 2039, I don’t believe, could be a few years later: it’d have to be BIG, like a Canary Island being “sat on” by a cyclone/hurricane, & then when the hurricane had saturated all the rock, lubricating the interlocking-pieces-of-lava that the whole island’s made-of, then the storm’s moving SHOVES the island, until it collapses, shoving cubic-km of Atlantic at the Eastern Seaboard of North America,
which would “chop off” the entire East Coast, “in a single hour”, to use the Christians’ bible’s term, from their Rev… )
IF that happens, & I consider it inevitable, as we’ve multiplied the chaos-in-this-planet’s-climate significantly, so it MUST happen sooner-or-later … THEN … the military-strategic obligation of all enemies overrides everything: they MUST strike, immediately.
That’s the beginning of the decades-long-grinding war-of-attrition that will reduce humankind by … 2 orders or magnitude? more? or extinguish our kind, completely…
All for sake of imprint->reaction mind, for sake of ideology/prejudice/“religion”/REACTION’s ruling…
Fighting-off considered-reasoning is what it wants, to return to the “grace” of Mere-beast-Not-responsible-No-moral-anxiety living, REACTION’S rule…
where the alpha-bull is the alpha-bull, where cows are mere-cows, & where NO-one ever threatens animal-reaction with ANY considered-reasoning…
That is the “heaven” that unconscious-ignorance is trying to (re-)enforce globally…
If you haven’t spent decades studying human unconscious, that may look ludicrous, in spite of the successful-highjacking-of the US, Romania, etc…
but the evidence that humankind’s just enacting, in glacial-slow-motion, its unconsciousness-ignorance-process, is kinda obvious, once one gets the hang of seeing it…
Here’s an example which cuts through appearances, showing what’s really going-on, but mainstream/establishment won’t accept the evidence, & they just deem me/all who point this up to be nonvalid…
Girls who were in girls-schools, who later end-up in mixed-schools, consistently have commented on how the always-in-mixed-schools girls were cowed, how they’d been pushed into learned-helplessness, how they wouldn’t even try to participate-as-equals in class: male-bullying had already extinguished that from their lives.
Young-women who ended up in girls-universities have consistently commented on their initial-disappointment, then within a week or 2, their ELATION at BEING ALLOWED TO LEARN, instead of just being crushed under male-sexual-pressure…
Women who, as girls, had their dads prohibit that there was any “women’s work” in the house, uprightly sharing in all housework, ARE having likelihood of self-employment, BUT women whose dads were unshakable that housework was “women’s work” … NEVER become entrepreneurs…
Women who ended up successful entrepreneurs while young … don’t measure potential-mate-value through social-position/status, instead judging potential-mate-value through fitness, same as the way we guys judge potential-mates…
so, it isn’t that women “inherently” use males to “status climb”,
rather: women who’ve been bullied from validity all their lives, THOSE women judge partner-value by their “status”, whereas women who’ve been honestly/acutally ALLOWED their own validity & accomplishment … don’t judge mates by status
When one puts all these together, then the cowed/insecure condition FORCED INTO WOMEN, GLOBALLY, by male-bullying, becomes … planet-scale abomination-against-LivingPotential that G-D put in them, & male-culture obliterated, for … literally many-millenia.
Now here’s the kicker:
Go look at some images of dominatrixes…
You’ll notice a spectacularly-improbable likelihood of there being jaquard wallpaper in their homes, with higher-class status-symbols repeating on it…
That isn’t conscious.
That is their unconscious projecting class-status-symbols throughout their homes, to comfort their unconscious, after having been bullied as class-nonvalid because of being female, all their lives.
Once you see it, it’s impossible to unsee.
All that class-climbing trappings, all the ornate class-declaration-“finery”: it’s all compensating for male-bullying throughout their entire lives…
So, unconscious-mind’s profoundly simple, & projects, cleanly & openly, because throwing-symbols-around is how it comforts itself…
It’s THAT simple in its “reasoning”.
So, if you do that experiment, & see with your own eyes, the unconscious-throwing-class-status-symbols-around to-comfort-its-unconscious-symbol-EMBODIED-Kahneman1-feelings,
& you understand that that imprint->reaction mechanism … which rejects thinking, which displaces thinking, is a real population-wide, species-wide force,
& you begin understanding what Kahneman was saying, in his book,
THEN it becomes clear that humankind actually is fighting-off considered-reasoning, killing it off, exterminating-it-from-world, so that imprint->reaction can be the ONLY mind ruling, & therefore animal-dominance, dominant-herd, bulling-wins-all, no-thinking, no-diversity, no-complexity, no-moral-anxiety CURRENTS that we’re now seeing take-over … are just the beginning of humankind’s species-equivalent-to-Puberty…
Inescapable, fatal if indulged-in as a means of irresponsible-butchery ( technology multiplies puberty with “cars” & “guns”, it multiplies our species-equivalent with “biowar” & “armies” & “cyberwar”, equivalently ), & permanent.
Humankind’s permanent choice, though…
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Reading the PDF…
The “most preferred leadership behavior” is … being male?
Uncertainty-avoidance ( that’s a Hofstede dimension, why do they seem to be claiming otherwise? ) is 2nd, which explains why ideology/prejudice, Kahneman1-mind, for anybody who has read his “Thinking Fast and Slow”, on the 2 mind-systems, is preferred to considered-reasoning!
Humankind … hasn’t got a chance in hell, … of surviving this century’s challenges,
has it?
That kind of polarization/programming … is completely incompatible with species-wide adapting.
Here are some background links, for you people:
I think they really missed a trick, by not looking into whether Kegan4 or Kegan5 is preferred, in leadership, in different cultures ( though Hofstede’s Success-orientation, formerly “masculinity”, would be a reliable indicator for Kegan4 & against Kegan5 )…
Kegan4’s … bulling-boss mode, it’s a stage-of-unconscious-mind-development which is pushing-out-unacceptable-meaning, & its instinct “knows” that validity is zero-sum: anybody else having any validity, that costs one’s own ( exclusive ) validity.
Kegan5’s … systems-of-systems mode.
scroll down a bit, from this link, & read the table…
Kegan & Lahey’s book “Immunity to Change” is on 3, 4, & 5, & how not getting one’s unconscious-mind to change utterly destroys potential, for little reason.
They provide leverages for getting one’s unconscious to grow-up, too…
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Oh, this need be added:
Lanier never published in academia, ttbomk, only through her book…
However, Universe couldn’t possibly care if a meaning is published outside, or inside, of academia’s filter-bubble, crowded as it now is with “paper mills” and their fake-science publications…
Scientific Method is the ONLY test for Truth of something, right?
Lanier’s stuff tests-out.
Contempting it, because a particular filter-bubble hasn’t “authorized” it to be True in Universe’s eyes, is … cultural chauvanism, & nothing else…
Universe isn’t, in any way whatsoever, dependent on academic-filter-bubble for What It Holds To Be True, right?
I’ve a test of her Tropical culture vs Nordic culture that for me hammers-it-home:
I’ve spent years as a homeless person, including out in the bush.
WHEN failure to do something oneself WILL terminate one’s life in the cold, THEN one gets off one’s ass & doesn’t rely on “society” to “take care of one”, right?
That isn’t in Tropical culture, only in cultures where cold threatens individual-survival/viability.
People can debate all they want about whether it’s significant, or not, or valid, or not,
but … go out there & put your life on the line for a few winters & see if it alters your instincts, or not, eh?
I say it does, & that no amount of ideological bullshit can falsify the evidence that direct-experiment produced, in altering me.
People who won’t do the experiment say “it isn’t proven”, & they won’t accept the testimony of people who have done the experiment…
Hence my inability to respect ivory-tower “authority” which won’t do the experiment, rejects evidence contradicting its filter-bubble, etc…
Do the experiment , that is rule number ZERO, right?
Lanier’s stuff checks-out, through & through, & its not having been published within academia’s filter-bubble in no way, whatsoever, negates its validity.
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This seems spot-on.
I do wish, however, that it wasn’t only Hofstede’s research that was being used as a reference, as Lanier’s “Foreign to Familiar” is, while identifying fewer dimensions, every bit as fundamental as Hofstede’s “Exploring Culture” book is…
Lanier identifies the Tropical vs Nordic cultural dimension, & also the old-culture vs new-culture dimension,
neither of which Hofstede seems to have acknowledged.
Lanier isn’t male, of course, so expecting male-academia to do anything other than ignore her work … isn’t going to accomplish anything, this century, is it?
& as for the people who automatically-contempt automatic-machine-learning, it’s a brilliant use of technology:
let the machine identify what the factors are, & which way they’re going, in the different cultures.
Think of it as enhanced data-mining, & that’s the best idea to know it as, really…
Not even slightly related to the generative-LLMs with their hallucinations, at all.
This article is a treasure: to the one who posted this, https://lemmy.world/u/Joker@sh.itjust.works , Thank You!
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Beautifully incisive.
Thank you!
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( Horseshack voice: )
Oh! Oh! Oh! Mr Kotter!
How Very Incredibly Surprising™, Oh, My!
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DEET is the only chemical that I know-of which they HATE.
I use mosquito-netting to keep them away from me.
I don’t want DEET touching me, at all, ever again.
No, I’m not a mosquito.
: p
Isn’t that interesting…
The anbility to prevent the getting-out of evidence of what the authorities do to the locals…
Just like the unconstitutional state-laws which criminalize capturing-of-video-evidene of police executing people…
“I wonder” if this would ever be abused by anti-accountability authorities…
( remember that the whole Christian religion is founded on a guy who was a kind of whistleblower, & had spikes hammered through his wrists, in his crucifixion, for his calling the legalists “hypocrites”…
I wonder how “Christian” he’d find them to be, if he returned, & saw what they’re doing? )
Human nature & demon nature seem … related?
or is that too harsh?
… perhaps … but wasn’t the Inquisition demon-law in the name of benJoseph?
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IF you are in accounting, especially if you are in regulatory compliance accounting, or going into it, you NEED to know about a book named “Financial Shenanigans”.
I’m not intellectually-equal to it ( or to accounting, for that matter: psychology’s much easier to crack, for me ), but it is THE most important book for forensic-accountants to know.
The bullshit that they’ve been pulling, where “Between 2017 and 2021, Amazon had more than $25 billion in losses from its devices business, according to the documents. The losses for the years before and after that period couldn’t be determined.” didn’t produce criminal consequences…
You’ve got to be kidding, right?
Individual human goes to jail or prison for $2k tax fraud, but … big tech gets a free pass on that kind of “accounting”??
couldn’t be determined??
Either run a tight-ship or don’t be surprised when it sinks.
Economies are the “ships” that carry our countries, & have to be properly regulated, exactly as a tightly-regulated ship has to be, to keep it afloat longer.
It isn’t the sloppy mechanic-racers who win NASCAR, it is the ones who control everything correctly, with total right-regulation.
I remember when I’d read that Cisco switched to closing their books out daily, so as to always know the exact position of the company…
what an incredible degree of financial-operations integrity that was…
Anyways, “Financial Shenanigans” is THE book to dig into, if you want to know if the business you’re considering investing in is cooking the books… and you’re capable of understanding that stuff at the level it’s speaking…
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Conflict-of-interest is the root of all corruption.
This escalation will continue,
until big-tech forces the governments to kneel to the surveillance-capitalism biggest:
They will simply say something like:
"Either your government removes laws, regulations, accountability, etc, from us,
XOR we are hamstringing your country: we OWN you, we POSSESS you, & you will obey OUR rule."
I guarantee this will be happening between now & 2036.
Remember how they can ratchet-up a genocide, anywhere??
They’ve already done so, in some places…
( Facebook & … was it Myanmar? as 1 example )
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This is inevitable:
Once the people in China can only see the CCP’s version of everything,
& ALL stuff has been adulterated, either by AI or by some agency-or-other,
THEN dissent should die-down in the Chinese population:
Read Lanier’s “Foreign to Familiar” to understand how Tropical-Culture vs Nordic-Culture shapes people, & how old-cultures vs new-cultures shape people,
then read Hofstede’s “Exploring Culture” to understand the dimensions of culture that his Cultural Dimensions Theory digs into ( power-distance, uncertainty-avoidance, “success”-orientation, & other dimensions )…
& when you understand how we’re kind of “template” people, before being born into culture,
but once born into it, our entire meaning gets framed within whatever culture we were born into…
therefore, the CCP can simply remove most diversity-of-meaning from their completely-possessed-population, through a generation or 2 of that.
Tibetan, Uyghur, Hongkonger, Taiwanese, Indian, South-Korean, Japanese, the intent is consistent: "the destruction of " … others … “is the midwife of Chinese supremacy”.
I expect a similar kind of program to exist in all right-possessed countries, as the right is doing in the US, right now, with burning or banning books, eradicating proper education, suppressing libraries, etc, they’re just doing the same thing as what the CCP’s doing, only less-skillfully, is all.
No real difference in their deeper heart/motivation/intent, though: supremacism, crushing/destroying all “other” kinds.
Russia’s big on it, too, isn’t it?
The “Crusades” were good examples of this kind of idiocy?
The “Inquisition”?
The “Buddhist” genociding of Tamils?
So long as the “home” story is … “coherent”, & “justifies” all, then … kids grow up … believing, right?
There’s a book, & a Big Think yt video, on “Collective Illusions”, which is important!
Please invest in seeing that video, & see how it’s actually a delusion-mechanism in our minds…
…used by political-forces, yes, but they couldn’t use it if it didn’t exist, could they?
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1 is narcissism/cult-of-personality,
the other is cult-of-institution/inertia.
They are not identical, and not even functionally-equivalent.
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Is his personal-information on the dark-web?
Is he saying that if his personal-information is on the dark-web, then it’s perfectly-OK for everybody & their robot to be using it??
XOR is he saying that there are 2 kinds of law:
1 for protecting his entitlement,
the other for disallowing rights from the lives he consumes, through his beloved herd/corporation/pseudo-person?
( obviously, he’s already answered the latter )
Everything I write is “translated”…
Normal people usually have an innate-mind-language of either
I think in abstract-shapes, & have to translate from abstract-forms into English, & it is … frustrating & tiresome … to accomplish this,
& it’s required ALL the time.
Maybe someday I’ll go read what the discussion was, to figure-out if I was having a bad day, that day, & try correcting it…
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