That’s transmission. My mistake, I somehow got the wrong impression that you had a working transmission set up before.
Glad to hear that everything is resolved :)
That’s transmission. My mistake, I somehow got the wrong impression that you had a working transmission set up before.
Glad to hear that everything is resolved :)
Where are you sending from? Home computer? Home computer with VPN? Seedbox? The answer will change based on which.
An easy hack might be to look at your transmission settings, find the port it uses and just copy that into qbittorrent settings.
You login once, you’re set for years. Combined inbox from all your accounts so that you can see everything in one place. You only need to familiarise yourself with one interface.
Yeah :( but then again thunderbird is one of the few things I would prefer to install using the native package.
Just got in the beta channel :) Looks awesome and feels much more responsive. This is an amazing step! I remember how it looked like thunderbird might die after Mozilla ditched it but here we are.
I would be curious to know more. As far as I am aware, what lemmy does differently is that it still shows username when you delete a comment, and lets you restore your comments until you delete your account. If you delete your account everything is deleted. That isn’t the normal policy but it’s better than reddit’s where the site owners can unilaterally decide to restore content users deleted.
Of course, if they went head to head, both cloudflare and Google would have the resources to fight back while quad9 is just a non-profit.