Imagine a wounded centaur with the horse part dead and the human part just writhing on the ground fully alive. Morbidly hilarious that image is
Imagine a wounded centaur with the horse part dead and the human part just writhing on the ground fully alive. Morbidly hilarious that image is
Nah, there is some scents there. As in, I barely care, but I could care less.
You are absolutely right.
(Can I get my payment in bitcoin?)
I hate to spoil the fun, but it took me a while to get this because the word is pronounced “day-tuh”
Still acidic af. This could absolutely still result in yeast infection
The behaviors described in the 4chan post are actual OCD behaviors, sooooo
The post is not talking about that “likes to sort things”
This sounds like actual OCD, or am I missing a joke you’re making? Or you jus’ sayin’?
They are not being reductionist, not to the degree you are claiming. It’s true it’s more complicated than “capitalism bad!” but you are talking on the other extreme of the spectrum and you are also wrong. Capitalism absolutely encourages and instills messages of “having things and showing disposable income means you are higher class”.
Because until 30 seconds ago you thought horses were not native to America
Yeah that’s fine. Just wanted to offer some advice to someone who might want to enjoy THC but hates the smell of weed smoke :) but apparently you gud. The ONLY way? Wow that’s crazy. To be fair it’s the best way so wtev lol. But if that’s the only way, are you allowed to grow it? Can’t you have like 3 plants or something? How are you supposed to make your own edibles if you can’t grow it?
The kind from a chicken, the sex toy, or the Cadbury?
I’m not narcissistic…You don’t deserve “healthy or positive…you have to be punished until you stop…your resistance to my parenting…
Bro, really? You wonder why people are nasty to you. I try to love all humans, but you are making it hard, but here I go anyway: Others attitudes towards you starts with you. Try to change it. Not with hate, but with love. If a parent did parent “as you do”, they would be a literal abusive parent. If you are in a shitty situation, try to get out, but stop making the world a shittier place. I don’t want you to be or feel shitty, I really don’t. Try to find happiness friend. This is all the advice I have for you. Please, please take it.
Embezzlement, manslaughter, and insider trading.
Ah, thank you. Lol to downvotes I got for asking. Didn’t think my silly name calling could be genuinely taken as condescending, but I was actually asking so thanks
Mixing them together causes an exothermic reaction that releases a lot of CO2. Both the heat and the releasing of gas bubbles can also help to break up things. Also it’s unlikely that all will mix with all, so you get some pockets of basic and some pockets of alkaline, who knows what you’re trying to break up but some of either might help. The method they learned is kind of throwing everything at it cus something will work. You aren’t wrong, both methods have validity