It’s so disappointing. India has a massive tech service industry and could’ve been a force for good, but the government loves their censorship and authoritarianism too much.
It’s so disappointing. India has a massive tech service industry and could’ve been a force for good, but the government loves their censorship and authoritarianism too much.
I would hold off on switching to AllDebrid for a bit, because they are also based in France and may be hit with a similar order.
I’m curious, what if you move her bowl to the place where she drops it?
I wish this was updated with the current statistics. India has already taken over China in terms of population.
You can’t just put a scale in without specifying what it is.
Wait, how do you schedule alarms indefinitely? I tried to do this in calendar but it just displays a notification (which I can miss).
The insinuation of “merge now otherwise you are letting your users down” in the F-Droid PR is so sickening. I can’t imagine talking like that to people who voluntarily put their time and effort into a FOSS project.
I pirate AAA, I buy indie.
Not strictly about ADHD, but Numb Little Bug hits kinda close for me.
Steins;Gate will always be my #1
Livin the dream!
If you really want to make Skyrim playable on an HD Graphics card, you might have to go lower than even the low settings (like by editing config files, for example).
Many people have made recommendations on what to change in videos and posts, you should look them up. IIRC there was even a mod for low-spec Skyrim.
Better to have you here mate.