Ah. So yeah like the other person said those static blades are stators. I havent found a good name for the cone aside from “aft cone” but that’s more for turbines. The stators should help it make pressure (that’s what they do in turbines) but the only reason I see for the aft cone is reduction of turbulence and since this is for cooling the hot end turbulence is actually a positive thing because it reduces the skin of hot air that sits against the heatsink fins.
If you’re pusing enough air you may benefit from a nose cone but it should probably be more hemispherical. Also an intake cone that’s like a trumpet bell might be beneficial.
For noise, most is probably in the blades but you may see some reduction by adding a sweep to your stators and/or adding a jaged pattern in some places like all the new jet engines do. Like this: https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/qtd2_sunrise_3024x2016_0.jpg
Granted, on the scale we’re talking here all of this will be splitting hairs.
I’d start with washing and letting it sit in the sun a couple of days. If that doesn’t work I’d go nuclear with an ozone generator just be easy with it or it will turn the food smell into an off-gasing plastic smell, and don’t use it in an occupied space. Idealy stick it in a tote outside or something like that.