The Flatpak version comes with Quakespasm engine, so you won’t need to worry about the source port.
The Flatpak version comes with Quakespasm engine, so you won’t need to worry about the source port.
Glimpse is an abandoned Fork
And KeepassDX’s was 14 days ago, and what’s that critical feature it’s missing?
You’re right, sorry for going off-topic, anyway.
KeepassDX is a lot superior IMO, i doubt Keepass2Android is updated even today.
One small bonus it has is that it has a link to download custom icons for KeepassDX entries
Then i can’t help you, Use whatever works and it’s trustworthy enough for you, just don’t be surprised and come crying if Bitwarden SOMEHOW gets a security breach.
I don’t even have a nextcloud, i just keep my database on a single folder sync across my tablet and phone, if you could set up the nextcloud to sync in rhat same folder you (theorically) would have no problems 🤔
Here’s an easier option: Syncthing
Nope, sonce your Keepass database is store locally, all you need is Syncthing, you won’t beleive how easy it is to use.
I will still prefer KeepassDX and KeepassXC
It gave me trouble when i tried to log in ob my account, and i prefer having the database WHERE I CAN SEE IT
KeepassXC honestly is more userfriendly IMO.
Personally? KeepassXC is more user-friendly, i beleive Keepass2Android is more confusing
I sync my database using syncthing, specifically syncthing-fork for android as i don’t currently have a PC 😄
On my case i use Syncthing-fork to have my database synchronized on my tablet and phone, you’ll be surprised how easy to use is, and doesn’t require a server 😄
Oh you just reminded me, KepassXC and DX Doesn’t demand you to create an account and log in to access your vault 😄
I ran into issues when using Bitwarden for the first time, i don’t understand why, i just like having my password vault close to me, KeepassXC and KeepassDX just makes things a little more painless
KepassXC for PC and KeepassDX for Android phones.
I personally would recommend it over Bitwarden since with Bitwarden you NEED internet to access your passwords, and even if is open source, i canmot trust it, security breaches can happen in any time, having your vault locally stored helps a lot.
There are more but i can’t Remember them right now.
I would personally recommend KeepassXC foe PC and KeepassDX for Android phones, just having your Vault available locally is a lot better than relying on a server that can get a security breach in any moment, not to mention the Keepass’s Vaults are encrypted and no one can access them without the , key or physical key, with KeepassXC and KeepassDX, you only will need ONE password 😁
I hope you get your wallet sucked dry
The guy found out the error happened becausw e got the app from Google App Store