I misread the question.
I misread the question.
By everyone, I mean nonhumans (nonhuman animals).
By playing beatbox music and making everyone stay away from me while I grew corn and ate it slowly in front of them while they watched me cautiously from a distance.
Not necessarily (you may or may not) but you shouldn’t be because Dairy is Scary (It’s a joke calm down)
Right, like smoking in front of a baby (and exposing them to second-hand smoke). I guess that’s a good example. But that’s more to do with the way you’re going about doing the drugs, rather than the drug use itself as an inherent component, I suppose.
Oh, absolutely. I have no problem with other people doing recreational drugs. I see it as entirely their choice as it only really affects them personally. I don’t think it’s immoral or “sinful” (whatever that really means) or whatever.
And I think most people do respect that. I do appreciate these responses that make it clear that we should respect if someone either does or doesn’t want to consume recreational drugs.
But I really was just looking for a term to explain abstinence of recreational drugs to people who I know won’t judge or care, but without the baggage or misunderstandings that may come with saying “sober” (possible assumption: former/recovering alcoholic/addict), “teetotal” (possible misunderstanding: doesn’t use alcohol, might still be fine with other recreational drugs), or “straight edge” (possible misunderstanding: not only doesn’t consume drugs, but also is into the punk music scene).
After gathering data, the best term I could come up with is quite a simple one: “drug-free”. To be clear, we could say “recreational drug-free”, though that’s rather wordy and the meaning of “recreational drugs” is often understood by just saying “drugs” anyway.
I know you didn’t ask but I just thought I’d say this anyway lol.
So, the plants found a way to hijack the bees’ journey by putting some extra pollen on them to take to other flowers, since they’re already there taking pollen anyway? That’s awesome.
Is there Life on Maaaaaaarrrrrrrr-a-Lago… ((song)[https://youtu.be/AZKcl4-tcuo?si=0JktuCh_EH-T0T5w])