• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • I should not be entertaining bait, but here goes:

    Gut biome is important to many things with our bodies. I agree.

    But to say that a lifelong neurological affliction is caused by a “bad gut biome” is disinformation, at best.

    It’s a slippery fucking slope once someone claims “x causes y” with no absolute conclusion. Once a scientific study comes out saying that “ADHD is caused by xyz”, I’ll take that into consideration.

    Sick as fuck of people claiming that my neurological disorder can be CURED by keto or diet or some shit. We can live make healthier choices in order to make managing ADHD easier, but, no, it’s never been proven to be caused by fucking gut biome or whatever. If it’s proven otherwise in the future, I’ll accept that. Fine. Cool.

    But for now? No. Find me an actual fucking cure, and then I’ll stop being angry about shitty disinformation.

  • I could not walk for more than 5 minutes without excruciating pain. I finally asked to be taken to the hospital after a back spasm that had me bash my face after a fall.

    Went to the hospital. Was diagnosed with “mild scoliosis” and “anxiety” and sent home with stronger than average Tylenol. Was bedridden for nearly 2 months. Lost my job. Got other appointments for GP. Looked and said I needed a specialist. I could not afford a specialist, as I was now out of money. They shrugged and wished me luck.

    I was forced to stay like this for nearly 2 full years.

    When I was on the verge of killing myself, someone offered to pay for a chiropractor. I didn’t care. I had nothing to lose.

    Anyhow, long story short, guy found that my spine had been forcefully lodged into my pelvis and stuck there. Dude had me healed in week.

    This is NOT an endorsement for chiropractors— this is a testament to the failure of the healthcare system. I could not see anyone, so my desperation led me there.

    I still have back issues. But I can walk again and be touched without pain.

  • kill everyone we don’t like

    Kill people who purposefully, pointedly, and knowingly cause harm, human suffering, and sign death warrants for people who could have otherwise survived. Robbing life and money from families whose kids or parents need treatment, and sending these people into bankruptcy. Or straight-up denying life-saving treatments.

    And these people know they’re killing people, but they don’t care because they’re making so much money off of it.

    So no. It’s not “everyone we don’t like.” It’s people who purposefully profit from doing harm at the cost of human lives.

  • Yes. And it sucked. And it still sucks.

    Within the last few year, I’ve finally realized I’ve been asexual my whole life. I’ve had sex before, but I struggled to care about it or enjoy it. It was always inconvenient, messy, went on too long, etc. I had enjoyed spending time with my partners, but I hated sex, and that’s been a huge part of all my relationships.

    And, yes, I’ve had “good sex” before. Just like someone who hates pie can have the best pie ever, it’s still pie!

    I’ve sworn off relationships until I can figure it out, but god knows that every romantic relationship will require sex to let my partner know that I care about them and their needs. I’m sick of compromising. Why the fuck should I need to compromise on something that I don’t want or like? Plus, because I’m not into it, I’m sure my partner would want someone who puts in enthusiastic effort to the endeavor.

    Don’t tell me that I’ll find someone. It’s not comforting, and I’m still grappling with the reality of it. I’d like a partner, but it’s just not feasible for someone like me.

    I’m still mad that I’m like this.

  • My very best friend in the whole world mentioned a trans person, shook his head, and remarks that “we need a purge”.

    I really, truly thought that different ideologies could get along until then. With that comment, I realized that, no, I cannot get along with an ideology that believes that marginalized groups “should not exist”. Because, deep down, a belief for their “non-existence” is a belief for their death. And I now refuse to have friends who believe things like that.

    Civility is compliance. I kicked him out of my house, my final words to him, as he angrily screamed at me, being “bye, bitch, bye!” It hurt me so badly to lose my closest friend that day, but my life really did improve after that. Now he might actually have to pay for the therapy he so desperately needs. God knows, he won’t, because he believes that “mental health excuses are just pussy shit”, but considering he’s howling that no one has wanted to fuck him for the last x amount of years shows that his anger and bitterness are still holding him back. He’s insufferable.

    Fuck any belief that punches down. Y’all deserve to exist peacefully and not be fucking bothered by dickheads about how you live your life.

  • I have a special needs bearded dragon. Special needs because he was born without scales. Also, unfortunately, he is now mostly blind.

    He has given me more grey hairs in his 5 years on earth than my previous 30. His care requires multiple skincare products, aloe, etc. His diet requires me to keep bins of cockroaches which also require their own food and water. He also requires heat & UVB bulbs with separate fixtures, and has a specialty “herpstat” that can automatically time the lights, control temperatures, report on humidity, etc.

    He is a pain to care for!

    I love him so much. I do it all happily and he’s a wonderful, friendly, sweet, amazing companion.