[Winds of Change by Scorpions playing loudly]
[Winds of Change by Scorpions playing loudly]
I assume the same way I type in Japanese: regular qwerty keyboard and phonetically. Space key lets you change between characters
because its not a country we’ve flagged as “Evil Enemy Run By Inhuman Savages”.
Unless the subject is Amazon deforestation, in which case we have to stop these inhuman savages from destroying this global patrimony (mine). Please don’t ask who’s buying the cattle and soy being grown there or running the mining companies or where I got all this fertile land.
.world is the reddit bridge
I think there are less 8k TVs now than 4 years ago. Some lessons were learned
Most romance languages follow that. The 5 rings in the Olympics logo are meant to be continents.
I commend the optimism, but I doubt it
He owns 1% of all Microsoft shares which are worth tens of billions.
Guess you can never be 30 years too late
What a selfless pig, donating one of its kidneys.
I used to think one of the biggest reasons there’s so many antivaxx people is that, because they’re so effective, people no longer have the fear of seeing their children in an iron lung, struggling to breathe. Then Covid respirators happened and antivaxx fucks somehow got worse
Landlords being parasites isn’t even a leftist sentiment, it’s common sense. Here’s Adam Smith:
“As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed and demand a rent even for its natural produce.”
They are the only one of the three orders whose revenue costs them neither labour nor care, but comes to them, as it were, of its own accord, and independent of any plan or project of their own. That indolence, which is the natural effect of the ease and security of their situation, renders them too often, not only ignorant, but incapable of that application of mind"
> uses search engine
> search engine gives generative AI answer
God dammit
> scroll down
> click search result
> AI Generated article
Always has been
They’re notoriously easy to get.
Argentina as usual being two racists in a trenchcoat pretending to be white
They could still just download the official drivers straight from the NVIDIA website with a VPN. Or from a mirror without one.
Did NVIDIA stop selling videocards in Russia? The article doesn’t mention it.
TikTok might start being not shit after this, but I’m not risking exposure until I have confirmation