Oh a Caddyfile generator! Heck yeah!
Oh a Caddyfile generator! Heck yeah!
Kodi ui is great! No different menu every single week with them Shoving ads down your throat and stuff. Every interface for every add-on looks exactly the same. Easy to find what you need.
Gosh FINALLY this is starting to make sense. Thanks for your effort!
We’re quarks on an atom, caught in an explosion, wondering why we can’t see past when the fire started.
Loving all these goals and ideas!
Lots to think about and put on the to do list!
Great question and I’m loving the action.
All I need to figure out is how to replicate one trunas pool to another trunas machine as a backup.
replication tasks are all failing, rsync is taking absolutely forever, and I need my backup, I feel naked!
This was great and thanks for your recommendation!!
Rush? Definitely not
But also if Metallica is still real ‘metal’ these days I’ll be falling asleep at the Drumset or sneaking out of the studio to go play sim city 3000
It’s all off camera but you hear a woman get smashed with a brick falling off a truck going the opposite direction on a highway at speed.
The husband’s and kids audible reactions are devastating
Rain water and grain alcohol
Totally not Not-Heinous
That’s what I was thinking! Pretty crazy.
I have something similar but from ww2
The story I was told:
My grandmother and two of her brothers decided to emigrate to Canada when their neighbor found an unexploded bomb in the chimney.
The nightly bombings kinda scarred her for life
Sorry. An AV installer has PTSD from tons of pissed off clients blaming us for their audio system suddenly not working
He’s dead.
I’m plissken.
Iroquois Plissken. Lieutenant Junior Grade
Milkdrop is in Kodi these days, so my winamp love affair is more nostalgic than anything real
You’re a Daisy if you do