Almost every single study I see has a sample size that is too damn small. It’s such a chronic problem.
Almost every single study I see has a sample size that is too damn small. It’s such a chronic problem.
Well, I’m certainly glad there a nasal spray that deals with the toxic mice tangles in my nose.
Shitty sample sizes are the majority of “research” nowadays. It’s sad how hard it is to find any even in the triple digits.
It’s a protocol, made with open RFC docs.
Country size has a huge impact on the ability to make sweeping changes to infrastructure and public opinion. A country the size of one US state can do whatever they want and it’s not going to take 50 years to implement.
South Korea has broadband everywhere? Sure, they are a rich country the size of Indiana and lacing all of that fiber is trivial compared to the entire land mass of the US, or worse, Russia or China. Governmental demands scale much differently the larger the country, and tax doesn’t scale in a 1:1 manner to its land mass.
Their policies on automated updates, garbage QA, and recall history are huge turnoffs. Oh, and attachments to Elon Musk.
LAION is a database of URLs, gathered from publicly-available data on the Web. Who is “taking” anything?
This new “journalism” site is not doing itself any favors with bullshit headlines like this. And this is not the first wildly inaccurate article I’ve seen from 404 Media.
Spain is also the size of a single state.
No, that’s literally how the laws in most countries work. It turns out men and women have different biology.
Which means this headline is extreme clickbait.
If Devs was to be believed, it could totally predict the behavior patterns of that single-celled organism 20 seconds into the future. :rollseyes:
I have the data just from car usage alone. It is braindead easy to produce a detailed ROI document proving how much money both the employer and employees are saving from remote work. It’s a lot from both sides, and that’s not including all of the less tangible benefits, like morale, team building, more focused work with less distractions, etc.
It’s not if you follow the money.
The only way to slow down this corporatization of the technology isn’t to completely shun it and demonize it. That just plays right into their hands with an “us vs them” narrative.
No, you have to push for open-sourcing the tech as hard as you can. The few open-source tools that have come out of this AI boom has the large corporations running scared that they aren’t going to be able to make money out of those sectors.
No SQL, block chain, crypto, metaverse, just to name a few recent examples.
AI is overhyped, but it is, so far, more useful than any of those other examples, though.
Yep, Twitch isn’t for me because YouTube has these braindead basic features already.
This is a problem with Lemmy’s defaults. Every single post has to be set as English, instead of allowing the user set a default language.
It’s not the fault of the user. It’s a bug. I just checked and no, I cannot set a default language for my posts. If they want to fix the viewing problem long-term, they need to fix this default posting language problem first.