How does a driver choose how close someone follows them?
This was kind of cool I didn’t like the first wall example because the clicking cadence changes, but the field and trees were very clear
I think the point is that there isn’t a good enough reason to put internet in a car that negates the risk of it.
It is like adding lead to food. It’s a cheap sweetener with no calories. You can argue that cheap sweeteners aren’t important to you, but I don’t think you can argue that it isn’t a good reason. It just isn’t a good enough reason to negate the risk.
I just lost my dog after her needing people around pretty constantly. My partner and I can mostly arrange working from home, so the situation is not the same. What is the same is how you approach how your dog feels and how to tell when it’s ‘the time’.
You’re probably the most important part of his life. The shelter might let him find a home that can care for him better or it might not (because people are hesitant to adopt older dogs with health issues). What they can’t give is the stability he gets from staying with you. It really sucks that we can’t ask them what they want. I know that my pup would never have chosen a longer life if it meant giving us up.
When is it time? There are resources online about how to judge quality of life. For us it was as simple as picking her favorite things to do and watching to see if she still wanted to do them.
I have second guessed myself a lot - should we have done more vet care, should we have spent more time with her, etc. You’re in a hard situation. The decicions don’t get easier and sometimes are no win. My advice is to make your decisions for him as best you can knowing that your best is not ever going to be the perfect ideal AND it will be good enough.
Something sweet to pair with the salty. Apple chips, dried fruit, caramel corn, or something like that
Yes, and you have to dig deep in some places to get below the frost with your foundation. In those places a basement makes sense because you’re digging that far either way. Texas frosts don’t get very deep, so you’re able to have a shallower foundation making a basement just an extra cost.
Me talking at dinner: “Will you pass me the peas?” Cut to 5 people confused about whether I mean just one of them or if I want the whole table to all hand me the peas.
I get why they/them can be confusing because of the plural thing, but we are used to a quirky language. With a little practice, the tone and context clear up nearly all confusion. The rest is as easy or hard as what we have to do with an ambiguous “you.”
PS Sorry to the “yous/yous guys” people. I am not trying to turn a blind eye to you obviously superior usage. It just really ruins my point.
Phragma means a divider. My guess is someone was saying these tiny bugs are extremely (mega) separate (phragma) from their relatives.
‘252 km (157 miles) range’ to save others the same skimming I did
In my area, trash is screened and ladfilled. Some hair goes with that, but most enters the solids stream where it is treated then the treated residuals are applied to farms as a soil enhancer/fertilizer. Pretty cool that they don’t just send it to landfill imo
Absolutely no sarcasm intended. I had just never thought of it that way.
Mind blown by flawless logic
Poaching in olive oil, butter, wine, etc would give a different flavor. I agree that water poached carrots would be just a slower way to cook carrots than boiling them.
Looks like we were typing at the same time. I totally agree with everything here.
Poach equals lower temp liquid. It can be oil or water type liquid. Boil is maximum temp water type liquid only. Blanching is boiling for a short time with the intention of not cooking all of the way through (eg to get skin off or to prepare for preservation by freezing).
Fry and saute are used interchangably all the time. One person’s fried onions is another’s sauted onions. Saute should indicate small pieces turned or tossed in a moderate amout of fat. Fry can be small or large pieces and can have moderate to lots of fat as a cooking medium.
Note that this is how normal people in my region and life use these terms and I make no claim that this is ‘right’ just my experience.
You’re describing the plan in place. Nothing is stopping it - it just isn’t finished yet.
Maybe a dumb suggestion, but shouldn’t spotify + ublock still work on firefox for android?
Also, MaximumDerek
You can cut cheese with a wire. Imagine having a thin piece of metal through a hole in your ear with weight on it. Your lobe is the cheese the ear ring is the cutter.