It doesn’t because the child will carry the trauma with her into adulthood. Literally just ask the people who’ve been through those kinds of relationships on the victim side and you’ll know that this is a horrible situation.
It doesn’t because the child will carry the trauma with her into adulthood. Literally just ask the people who’ve been through those kinds of relationships on the victim side and you’ll know that this is a horrible situation.
That’s the case for parents of a victim. The son in this case is the perpetrator and as a parent op can do something, which is denouncing the relationship. Protecting the 16 yr old is more important that the relationship between the perpetrator and his parent.
It’s gross because the only reason a 29 yr old adult would have a relationship ship with a 16 yr old is because the 16 yr old is easy to manipulate. A 29 yr old and a 16 yr old have no life experiences in common, the whole relationship relies on the inequal power dynamic. The fact that he chose to have a relationship with a 16 yr old is already proof that he’s taking advantage because any sensible adult that cares about the wellbeing of the 16 yr old would never do that.
That’s gross and as a parent you have the responsibility to tell him it’s gross. Don’t normalise this relationship.
This is a great attitude to have. You can do so much on a local level. Be there for the people around you, and try to notice when someone is not doing well and might need your help. Speak up for those whose voices are not being heard. Being available and protective towards those in your own community who are vulnerable is the least you can do. Some other significant ways you can contribute are:
Also realise that you do not know what it’s like to be disabled/queer/of an ethnic minority/a person of colour or of another vulnerable group (unless you are a part of that group of course). You need to learn about their struggles before you can effectively help them. You probably already know someone who belongs to one of those groups, now is the time to listen to them and learn from them so you can better vocalise their struggles towards those who don’t understand.
Also, motivate others to do the same! All hope is not lost, humans instinctively look out for one another and the biggest change is made through helping those around you.
This is dangerously wrong. Any person can have a huge impact on their own community without changing countrywide politics. It is super important that caring USians start contributing to their communities and help the people that are more at risk of being wrongly prosecuted for living their life. Please volunteer at mutual aid programs, please protest against genocide, please educate the people around you, please make sure trans and queer people are safe, please speak out about racism. And when you witness a nazi victimising someone based on their identity/race/disability/etc, please act and don’t look away.
Telling people that ‘change is hopeless’ only endangers vulnerable groups more.
If you’re disabled like OP calling the police is dangerous. They will not understand OP’s disability and will make them do stuff that will harm them. It’s better to look for local mutual aid organisations specialised in people with disabilities.
Why would any Cuban politician be pro USA when said country is blocking every possibility of trade with other countries which results in food scarcity because Cuba is too small to do all production domestically and is therefore lacking in large scale farming equipment and fuel?
Til Biden didn’t do anything to reunite the families and in fact continued separating families:
I forgot about that episode. TOG was still more difficult for me to watch though due to the way Kirk talks about women when they’re not present and the way he watches them when they walk away. But it’s not a race, kirk and Picard can both be gross.
Both are gross towards women but Picard is a little bit less gross.
With that attitude towards cyclists you probably shouldn’t drive because you’d be making the road unsafe for a mode of transportation that is healthier and more space and energy efficient than a car.
This is probably not the answer you’re looking for but I’d thought I’d mention it anyways. Have you considered women’s boxershorts? Those are more comfortable when working out and the lines they leave are less pronounced and at a more flattering location.
This is sexual harassment and if you think that joke is funny you should reconsider your values
I like to hold my laptop at exactly those points where your design holds them and I suspect that that is the reason why my laptop is bent now. I hold it like that whenever I move it so not for long durations but frequently. I’d definitely recommend against doing it for longer durations.
Microplastics stay in the body forever, fats, carbs and salts don’t.