I’ve got a ID4 and they are all capacitive buttons. It makes a tactile vibration when engaged.
I hate my car. Nice to drive, but awful to use.
I’ve got a ID4 and they are all capacitive buttons. It makes a tactile vibration when engaged.
I hate my car. Nice to drive, but awful to use.
I had the HTC Desire Z back in the day, with a full qwerty keyboard underneath the screen. It was awesome to write on, but it lacked performance.
I agree. Because of this, I actually changed carrier to one that was cheaper, had better coverage and free eSIM.
I tried to transfer my eSIM from my old S21 to my new S24 the other day. It failed miserably. My carrier charges me $10 for a new eSIM (which i think is way too much for a digital service). Transferring eSIMs sounds like a good idea if it works, but might not be endorsed by carriers that earn large profits from the service.
If you use Sync for Lemmy, you can add filters that removes certain topics of your choosing.
You mean this? https://xkcd.com/1361
The pattern is called Selburose and is a traditional pattern used in knitted mittens and sweaters from the area of Selbu located in Norway at the border to Sweden.
I thing #4 is by far the nicest flag
Windows key + type to open whichever app i need to open that’s not already pinned to my taskbar.
Shift + win + s to take a screenshot.