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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2024

  • I think trading your trombone lessons for puppet making is cool. I traded a giant turnip and a jar of pickled beets for some of my neighbour’s candied ginger last week.

    Since you asked for ideas about organizing and what your fabulous ‘microscopic beans’ group might get up to:

    Maybe talk to your community of regulars about being willing to mobilize in some way. Like, who wants basic disaster training. Maybe one of you knows first aid and can teach the rest. Those community meals you have could turn into bringing food to war refugees or families of stolen migrant workers out every Monday morning at the embassy (or wherever they protest regularly in your area). You can make one of your meetings about media literacy, and spotting propaganda, or if you’re all already savvy, you could create a fabulous Introduction to Propaganda Techniques performance and bring it to a mall or public square.

    Poster/sticker campaigns telling people which media are Feeding them nazi shit are really helpful atm. No idea what your jam session might make out of an action like that, but artists jailbreak people’s programming in nifty ways no one expects. You could have everyone learn Jesse Welles’ War Isn’t Murder song and flash mob it somewhere.

    Also, and this is where I know NOTHING about you, so apologies if it’s too personal or presumptuous.

    I remember the G20 up here in Toronto really well. I remember them putting up those barricades all over downtown, telling locals not to go outside in our own neighbourhoods, them rounding up people the nights before protests, getting kettled and on. That shit is absolutely traumatizing, and you’re right: all bets are off when it comes to safety at protests where you are. Your safety is solely in the hands of the protester next to you, as theirs is in yours, just like always. My advice is to ask your group if anyone else feels traumatized by past protests in a similar way. Maybe the number is higher than you think. Maybe they want to talk about like, feelings and stuff. Maybe you can make something out of that (tactics, actions), or maybe it’s just a conversation. Either way, win-win.

  • You made me think of my buddy from the states visiting me in Toronto 2010-ish laughing at the Canadian flags they sometimes saw flying from people’s houses and other buildings. I asked her what struck her so funny about them and she blanked for a second. She said, “It’s just weird seeing so many flags that aren’t American… Like, this is a country too… um.” We had a brilliant talk about flag-waving patriots for a bit, but seeing that glitch was really interesting and I’ve never forgotten it.

    That said, I had plenty of teachers growing up and know tonnes of educators now who’d totally be into forcing students to salute the Canadian flag and pledge allegiance to their God & Country every morning. The only thing stopping them is legislation preventing it, not national identity.

  • Burning the witches is WAY more important than who tells them they’re allowed to burn the witches.

    When they lose their “imperfect messenger from God” they’ll just follow who their pastors tell them to follow. Maybe they’ll change the name to the Trump Party and any nazi Christian soldier can lead it. Bible-banger Vance is lined up as the successor atm, but who knows? Could be Desantis. Could be Bannon. Anyone tapped who’s willing to act out that vindictive certainty, solidarity and ferocity that Trump performs so well can do the job for them.

    Maybe one of his kids. If the fundie leaders want to be truly perverse (and we know they do), they’ll choose Ivanka and call it feminism.

    source: grew up in a bog-standard xtian cult village in North America. I know these Good Folk, and the Sharia Law-type plans they have for women. The death of Grab-Her-By-The-Pussy will just be a chance to deify him further.