I will take a look but I am addicted to FL piano roll, it’s just… Soooo good
I will take a look but I am addicted to FL piano roll, it’s just… Soooo good
The day FL studio works natively (potato puter) on Linux is the day I fully switch no questions
Oh they just drank a halfn’half baybeeee (vegan police noises)
have you not seen tf2’s state?
Yeha but it’s very easy to set up filters for those kind of elements
I’m gonna save this comment for the time when I eventually switch (I got shitton of WIP stuff)
I’m just in love with FL’s keyboard roll and I’m just used to the entire daw. I don’t really want to switch to a different one
The only two things making me use windows for now are my inability to run FL Studio on Linux (I tried before, I’ll try again)
Procrastination to go through my files to see if there’s something worth backing up before I wipe my drive