As far as I know it’s just a wrapper for the actual gpt site so you just sign into open AI there.
As far as I know it’s just a wrapper for the actual gpt site so you just sign into open AI there.
I’m using Today Weather but I’ve never really found it that great since Apple killed the Dark Sky data Source. That said it has quite a few data Source choices so I can’t really fault them for that.
Probably have to many network threads running on the client. I’d suggest halfing them just to see if it makes a difference.
I’ve been using gpt assist from fdroid and occasionally the bing chat to really just mess about with AI thing.
Wondering if the official app has any advantages over those. I mean I don’t really do much but ask it for crossover plots between different shows. Poems, rewriting songs or asking dumb questions.
This is when I’m going to miss reddits revanced sub. I wouldn’t even dream of using tiktok without spoofing my device. Unfortunately I’ve found revanced is very picky over the tiktok versions it works with.
So yeah I’m not updating until I know someone else was successful with a revanced patch
Filelist org while it no longer exists was a private tracker and I can absolutely say the cheating ratio client completely worked.
While I’m not proud of keeping myself ratio balanced that way (I had a very tiny upload compared to download) I can absolutely say a hacked uttorrent client kept me well above ratio at the time.
It worked well although I kinda glad I haven’t seen similar mods sinxe
I am not an audiophile or anything but for these oems a headphone jack inclusion is probably pennys and wired is just superior sound, it’s madness.
That said I use Bluetooth headphones mostly myself but that doesn’t change the fact its inferior sound, something extra to charge and can add quite a bit of lag when playing games or other media.
Its a step backwards just to make a few pennys profit on a hundreds of pounds device. I think everyone should have the option to choose what they prefer.
It’s possible but eventually you will get banned I remember a torrent client that let me multiply my seeding by 100 I did use it back when file list was a thing.
That said I can’t ever remember seeing anything similar since.
I like the idea but the battery life puts me off a lot. Generally if I’m into a pc game be it skyrim, rimworld, stellaris, fallout, GTA or others. A few hours just doesn’t cut it.
That said their very impressive and apus might be the best thing to happen in recent years. Really showing potential in my opinion.
I might also be a bit cautious of handhelds in general because my last was the Sony Vita which Sony almost immediately ignored after launch.
Electric boats sound like a good idea to me couldn’t wind, solar and tidal power all be combined. Making me wonder why supertankers, cargoships etc can’t be doing some of that.
I’m still using a huawei gt2 Pro never seen any reason to replace it does most things and the battery is still a week and a half to two weeks I’d guess. If I’m honest though I use it as more of an mp3 player than a tracker.
The future is not written. There’s no fate but what we make for ourselves.
He’s definitely way more destructive than needed but I do think the videos give a rough idea of how well built or hard to get into a device is.
I do think ruining a brand new device for views is kind of disgusting though I presume the videos cover the cost but still it’s a waste.
Mtp is an awful protocol I switched to just using WiFi transfers when Google got rid of the normal mass storage.
Cringe every single time I see him destroy a new phone. I know the testing serves a purpose but I hate seeing it.
I’ve liked SwiftKey a lot more since they added the bing/ai/chatgpt button. Although I’d say about 25 percent of the time it refused to answer my question claiming I was being argumentative or the answer would be unfair.
Still there’s tons of themes and the suggestions while not brilliant I’m sure do speed up my typing a lot.
It’s bearable on smartube next if you have an android TV, firestick or similar
My biggest problem with YouTube is they keep giving me videos I’ve already watched and it seems they wipe them from the watch list very quickly to try and trick you into clicking it again.
I also hate the fact that if I say I’m not interested In something they take no notice and send it to my recommendations again regardless.
I’ve always had twitter but never really used it at all apart from contacting companies when I couldn’t resolve things the normal way.
Think it’s time to delete it.
I switched to mull which I think is basically a fork of Firefox when bromite seemed to be dead.
No complaints it works great.
That’s one point of view but I trust open source over closed everytime and the source is available.