Dang, was hoping for the new Doom. I refuse to play it with Denurvo, but I don’t trust anything out there.
Dang, was hoping for the new Doom. I refuse to play it with Denurvo, but I don’t trust anything out there.
I thought the advantage of carpooling was saving money on gas and car maintenance. Also, environment.
Probably because they wouldn’t see a dime of revenue from this. It would be a new law that just says they have to do it. At best, they would be allowed to pass the costs to customers somehow, likely through our plate registrations at the DMV.
It’s basically a no win for the car companies. Lots of ill will, increased chance of litigation, increased costs for building cars, all for nothing.
In fact, I bet the car companies lobbyists are the reason we don’t have this already.
Is it? I don’t remember seeing a guy running for Congress that promised he’d prevent huge corporations from running rough shod over everything.
People like saying stuff like “just vote better”, but the fact is the vast majority of people that run for any office are pro-big business because that’s their background and the lobbyists give them lots of money to get elected. Where’s the anti-big business guy going to get his money to run? And without money, you sure aren’t winning.
Through lobbying, corporations have us all by the balls. It doesn’t matter what side of the isle you’re on; both sides have basically been endorsed by big money.
Eh, you’ll still need something that allows you to search for a file/torrent and gives you a hash or magnet. Right?
Jpeg is already compressed, so compressing them again won’t do anything but make it impossible for people to selectively download just the image/folder they desire.
Metadata on the other hand sounds like text files, which compress very well. Wether the space savings is worth it is hard to answer without more info. I’d personally lean towards not archiving it.
I presume it’s cool to post magnet links in here?
I’ve got so many layers of adblock it’s hard to know which one(s) are responsible for blocking the ads.