Of course. I’m just pointing out that OP’s premise is flawed from the start. They have a lot of work to do to be truly OCD about towels.
Of course. I’m just pointing out that OP’s premise is flawed from the start. They have a lot of work to do to be truly OCD about towels.
How about the “logic” behind the separate hand towel?Unless you’re drying your hands and putting gloves on before drying any other part of your body, you will be cross-contaminating by touching the other towels with your hands.
but Rogan doesn’t really think either ought to be president in 2024.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Most estimates are around 30% for people who use ad blockers. I would guess half or more of those are probably people who had someone else install the ad blocker for them (I personally do it for any family who has me help with their computer) and don’t even care about blocking ads. Half of the remaining half would gladly turn off the blocker to keep getting their YouTube fix. So we’re left with a tiny percentage of users who would actually be upset about this.
Something tells me they’ll be fine and they know more than the tiny population of lemmy, a niche community of people notorious for using free software, pirating paid software, and avoiding corporate media.
For someone who doesn’t care and has no viable responses to the questions here, you sure do have a lot to say.
Spoiler: it won’t be.
Agreed, let’s just move to checks notes iOS? Oh, they also constantly pull shady, anticonsumer bullshit. There’s no winning for us.
Do they really, though?
They won’t. But complaining about them on Lemmy and Bloomberg is empowering them.
Then stop already. Stop mentioning the name. Stop posting articles about it. Stop sharing articles about it on other social media.
You know what’s immoral? Posting ragebait articles about a platform because you know users will engage.
You want pedantic? Those are wind turbines, champ. Windmills are used to mill grain, no matter how many people like yourself try to bastardize the term to apply to anything that rotates with air.
What’s next for you people, pinwheels are now windmills?
They’re only doing what everyone else is right now. B2B companies in particular are going nuts with it. I know several companies that pivoted their entire near-term strategy to focus on the value AI/ML can bring to their customers.
Probably smart. Blocking me costs you about one minute of time, whereas continually responding to me has already cost you several minutes. Way more efficient.
I thought we we were close to a breakthrough. Just for fun imagine a situation where eliminating a food product costs 100 pesos, but packaging and shipping that same food product to another location costs 200 pesos; which of these is more economical?
Sounds like you figured it out then. If we can just determine a way to efficiently distribute the food, then we’ll be good.
Then what would you suggest? If getting rid of food costs say $5 and sending to a different area costs say $10 then between both selections which one is better for the economy?
Wow you solved it. We just need to make distribution efficient.
Sorry, bud. Girltwink says you’re a serial killer.
What you’re describing is normal adult behavior. Maybe that’s what OP meant when they said hand towel, but that’s not how I read it. Seemed like the implication was they were worried about cleaning their body with a single towel after a shower.