If we’re talking about programming language guides in particular, following a guided introduction to a new language was helpful to me, when I was introduced to new concepts and perspectives. And Rust is the best example in my case. Personally I probably would’ve struggled more and longer in practice without learning about ownership, lifetimes and borrowing in theory first, because it’s an essential part of almost anything, even strings, and yet it’s not too difficult to understand in theory.
But at the end of the day, you can start rawdogging it and use the Rust book or any other guide, when you’re facing a roadblock. If you do so, please share your experience.
I don’t really have a perception of people that like to listen to metal, because that’s a huge amount of different people. This definitely did change. I’m not sure, if it was due to my younger age or the strength of genre stereotypes at the end of the 2000s, but at that time I didn’t even realize how much of the music I listened to was metal. I associated metal more with the stereotyped metal heads than the actual music.