So the best security is still keeping your computer behind a locked door and not clicking on suspicious stuff?
So the best security is still keeping your computer behind a locked door and not clicking on suspicious stuff?
Yes. It’s got powerful germicidal effects mainly because it absolutely shreds and scrambles cell DNA with direct exposure. Bad for cells. Unfortunately it doesn’t discriminate between single and multicellular organisms.
So it wasn’t just UV A or B which is found in normal sunlight, but the extremely dangerous and potentially cancer causing UVC radiation that your body does not have a natural resistance to and most sunscreen does not protect against either.
Monumentally stupid.
So eventually, the ghosts stopped thinking.
Yeah “implied” because it’s never actually explained why he survived that stuff. There’s lots of hyperbole with characters saying “He’s not human!” and similar, but there aren’t any actual answers. It could very well be that he’s just the luckiest murderer alive with basically no pain reflex.
I mean, at least in Halloween it is HEAVILY implied that Mike has something supernatural going on with his durability.
Shit is it Wednesday already? How long was I out?
Maybe I should hire an Amish guy as a consultant for IT. Those guys never get hacked.