Alpine sports
Alpine sports
I read that more as answering and communicating the disinterest instead of ghosting them.
For third party voters in the US: What do you think is the effective difference between voting for a third party and throwing your ballot directly into a garbage bin?
Even if you are into DIY: Buy cheaper once, if something breaks buy something more expensive.
Yes, but for prey which changes directions the tactics are not so different. You work as a group, drive them to a cliff and this is their end.
This is probably how you hunt nearly everything which is faster than you as long as you don’t have the means to kill it with one shot.
Germany has the highest recycling rate for plastics with 65 %. Not everything you put in the recycling bin is being recycled.
Guess the late 50s or sometime in the 60s. Guess this would be a very good compromise for the quality of life, listening to good music and a good perspective for life in general.