I personally recommend Linux Mint. It feels just close enough to Windows to be fairly comfortable to use. Customizing the task bar on Cinnamon still feels weirdly awkward and confusing though.
I personally recommend Linux Mint. It feels just close enough to Windows to be fairly comfortable to use. Customizing the task bar on Cinnamon still feels weirdly awkward and confusing though.
Hm, maybe
They’re not anonymous tho, the image very clearly labels who’s desk the vaping was detected at
Don’t people also give their cats food that explicitly aids them in growing a better coat?
I have never appreciated the idea that family members have some inherent inalienable value, honestly, so I kind of retaliated against that I think.
Do you know how step siblings work?
If I want a work of art the left one is nice, but if I just want a fucking shelf you’re insane to think it’s the better option there. You really can’t compare the two, they serve completely separate purposes
Idk the one on the right seems more like it’s throwing out any kind of style to be purely for function
Trying this just keeps me up even more because now I’m focusing on falling asleep which means I can’t sleep
Actually there’s no point in recycling plastic because the plastic you put in the recycling bin ends up in a landfill anyway, so yes we should be going after the industries instead of blaming individuals
You know they will, just making a good product isn’t enough, they need to somehow sell us more bullshit so they can make infinitely more money than ever all the time. So Logitech will absolutely go through with something like this
Peanut butter?
I want this but the audiobook equivalent. Ive had such bad luck getting them.
It’s pretty good they do a good job of keeping old games available in a decent state
You own most GOG games, too
Afaik it doesn’t effect you at all if you’re not signed in
There were bandits in 1987??