I’m at that point as well I think. Thank you for the suggestion!
I’m at that point as well I think. Thank you for the suggestion!
Considering the general types that actually use lemmy, you’re on the wrong platform for that kind of community. No offense
Google search has enshittified far faster than I ever thought possible. It used to work like magic. Too bad capitalism dictates that usefulness has a ceiling.
Thank you for limiting the spread of freedom units. I wish my country would just get over itself and switch already.
I don’t get why people are down-voting you. It’s a perfectly legit question that I’m thinking about myself. I’m not a lawyer but there would be ways to shield yourself legally I’m sure.
It would make it harder to compensate the devs for sure, though. They lost their finances and whoever picks the project back up will need to build their revenue stream from scratch although I feel that a good portion of yuzu contributors will just start funding one of the forked projects.
Pronounced “fuck you”. The “ck” is violent
If they made reliable printers that worked, they wouldn’t have a business because everyone would have a reliable printer that worked and hp would have no one left to sell printers to. The problem has always been the shortcomings of shareholder capitalism.
I did some contract work for nvidia a few years ago to build out a data center for a client in the domain of pharmaceutical research. I’ve never worked for any employer more hypersensitive and narcissistic than nvidia. They will waste your time and fire you on the spot if you voice any concerns.
Right, blame the customer for the business not holding up their end of the bargain after the fact.
It’s not so easy to just replace your job when you have a specialized skill. It takes months of applying to other jobs, doing interviews, coordinating with recruiters, etc. Not everyone has the time, patience, or ability to do that.
That being said, I am constantly looking for a better position. It takes time out of my day but it’s worth it in the long run.
EU might hit them for it. I have no faith that the US government is going to do anything.
Telling Google assistant to add items to your shopping list and them being added to a keep note titled “shopping list” was the original functionality in Google keep. I used this feature all the time which is great for someone like me who has ADD. Then without warning, Google decided to change the functionality so that it added the items to Google Express instead. It was a small change that caused a lot of inconvenience and headaches for me. There was a time I would have really cared about this change but considering the inconsistency of Google’s products, I really can’t get invested in them anymore. I try to degoogle my life as much as possible these days.
What would help with sex trafficking is legalizing and regulating prostitution and destigmatizing it.
Lawyer speak
I’ve been using obsidian and signal for a while but I’m thinking of setting up a nextcloud instance and using the notes app in that.
There was a time that I actually would have cared about this. I used to use the shopping list feature in keep all the time and I would use Google assistant to add items. When Google randomly decided to switch to adding items to Google Express instead of keep when asking Google assistant to add items to my shopping list, it was such a small thing but it made me realize that I didn’t want to give control of my digital life over to Google to manipulate on a whim. Since then, I have nearly entirely degoogled my life and I can’t really say I’ve been inconvenienced.
I think Microsoft has gotten so used to the swing back and forth that they just assume 12 is going to be a banger. I can think of no worse setup for a train wreck of a release than 12 being the first Microsoft built major OS to break this mold since XP and end up being the 2nd OS in a row that bombed and drove away market share.
In the same way that physical therapy provides you with an environment, tools, and professionals that help you physically heal, therapy helps you with your emotions and thoughts. Therapists may offer advice but the main purpose of therapy is to give you a safe place where you can work through your emotions which can then lead to a better outlook on life.
Often times the reason why we get stuck in a rut due to a bad job, money issues, relationship issues, is because we haven’t taken care of our mental health and poor mental health will exacerbate those issues. If you are doing therapy while all that is going on, it will help you get in a better head space where you can start taking care of those issues or at least mitigate the trauma that they cause.
Projection is also a common way for people to deflect blame for societal ills. Religious zealots will ignore and even shield sexual abusers present in their own institutions and divert that animosity to outside groups that make convenient targets. They are ok with the abusers within their walls because they are seeking absolution through religious systems. They are not ok with queer people because they need to scapegoat a group to explain why things don’t seem to be getting better.