That’s a lot of words to say “I don’t understand politics and only care about one single issue”
That’s a lot of words to say “I don’t understand politics and only care about one single issue”
Well as a planet pluto was mini mini. As a dwarf planet Pluto is one of the mightiest.
Also, if you call Pluto a planet then it’s not fair to Eris and they’ve done nothing wrong
I just hate when I’m hanging out with a bunch of racist gamers and people think I’m a racist gamer too. Sure, they may say some really inappropriate stuff I laugh at. And sure, I may not stop them when they’re ruthlessly mocking some poor person of color, but I myself didn’t do it so why would people think I’m a part of them? Everytime we go out to eat they treat all of us like we’re terrible people, but really it’s just them. I don’t get it.
(This was sarcasm. I don’t hang with racists but I didn’t know how else to paint the picture clearly. Thats how your argument sounded though)
Anybody on this platform already knows all the problems and how it can be better. Anyone preaching here hoping an American will read it and change are just wasting keystrokes.
We know it’s bad. Unfortunately there’s not much anyone of us here can do besides bitch and moan, or else we wouldn’t be on Reddit Ultra.
That being said, German McDonald’s have chicken wings and they’re pretty amazing.
All 4 mentioned parties are pieces of shit! ^Although ^2 ^of ^em ^are ^far ^bigger
When people said “slave owners are evil pieces of shit” do they also mean the people who only owned 1 or 2 to help out with the family, or only the large plantation owners?
Also, there’s studies recently saying not flossing can lead to a higher chance of dementia, as the rotting tooth can go to the brain
The more the merrier!
Make me and my partner a tree, set up a hammock between us, and hang with us from time to time
I’m too tired to make this witty but something about it leading to the MAGA movement being a bubble
Yes cause calling anyone you slightly disagree a rapist is mature
Edit: my b o got the rape and sexist facist comments mixed up
I literally was just commenting on you username. Didn’t even know it was a sex thing. I was gunna call you put for making a second profile at first haha
Lol k
I was just trying to comment on your name change
Do you just want to fight with everyone? Chill
Edit: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThereAreNoGirlsOnTheInternet
"As the Internet grew, women became more common. Interestingly enough, men pretending to be women also became more common as well; it soon became apparent that announcing you were female online (and thus a geek girl) was a way to get lots of attention and accommodation from other users, even to the point of some of them being tricked into mailing gifts, cash, or passwords. In some circles the backlash was huge and violent, leading to anyone claiming to be female to instantly be accosted with demands of “proof” "
We fought over some dumb shit like twice and you’re throwing out the worst comments you can think of. You shouldn’t feel good about yourself
I assumed you were a man because everyone on the internet is a man.
I still think you are for previous rule, just trying to go on as a woman for whatever reason.
If not man then bot, which at this point is the better guess anyway.
Plus I was just trying to make a joke, yeesh
Well it it’s anything, I argued with you earlier thinking you were a dude
Will still probably continue to argue with you regardless
Bro, have you been to any red necks houses? Cause if you had you wouldn’t be saying that
Not when the past 50 years have been so it’s harder and harder for the people the current rulers don’t like don’t get guns
Literally the prison system was made so those who object now legally can’t buy guns
Maybe even better, when they were given a choice between a house or the whole village on fire, some people were like “yeah a flood will stop all this so I’m gunna just bank on one coming” even though there hasn’t been any significant rain in a long whole.