O’Brien has been a captive of Ethan the entire time. The Enterprise knows. They just don’t care.
O’Brien has been a captive of Ethan the entire time. The Enterprise knows. They just don’t care.
They do. You pay extra for it. You have to have apache or a web server configured for it, and a lot of space. Source: I configured one like 4 years ago.
I dunno, some bring me down
That’s what it’s there to do! It’s like asking “Did the door bell ring, or did someone hit the door bell button?”
I argue that every war since WW2 had people saying that it was the potential start of WW3.
I’m 34, was untreated for ADHD until a few months ago. I work in software development, and had various roles & responsibilities thrust upon me when people left. On top of that, managing a team through the COVID Lockdown and my own fracturing mental state really took a toll on me. The advice posted here is solid. When I took on everything, I had to learn these via Trail-by-fire. If I may add on:
All that being said, this was a great post. Thank you both!
Yeah that sounds about right
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We’re not pussies; we’re poor.
You would think after the first 3 times they would’ve brought a cell phone, or maybe figured the armed forces weren’t for them…
Funding from the Vietcong? Interesting…
Shout out to the Dictionary Of Obscure Sorrows. Gives me a better way to describe what I’m feeling other than just ennui and depression.
Mine just says “KILL GOKU KILL GOKU”