To be fair though, there are way more cows than crocodiles, snakes, sharks or deadly spiders in the UK.
To be fair though, there are way more cows than crocodiles, snakes, sharks or deadly spiders in the UK.
Adding to what the other comments have already said: Don’t bring an unleashed dog on a cow pasture. You’d think that’s common sense, but apparently it’s a bit of a meme in Austria and Switzerland that every few months some German get’s trampled by cows because their totally friendly dog ran towards the cows and they felt threatened.
They also stopped dating them at some point apparently, so I’m not sure what you are trying to say. It’s not like the early stages of dating usually involve mowing the lawn or cleaning the house together so that’s something you only find out after having already found plenty of other things to like about this person.
My guess would be motion sickness.
Think about it like this: There is an almost endless amount of stuff around us at any given moment that we could be aware of. If we factor in the things that are not actually there but we can still think about, then there are infinitely many things we could be paying attention to at any moment.
But we only have a finite amount of energy to do it. The more energy we use to think about one thing the less energy remains to think about everything else.
I wouldn’t say that we are ignoring things when we concentrate. Because to me when you ignore something you are actually aware of it but choose to ignore it. When you concentrate, you just don’t have enough energy left to be aware of other things.
I used to have this problem, too. Both when trying to fall asleep in the evening and after waking up in the middle of the night for any reason.
What really helps me is putting on an audiobook or podcast that I like but already know (this part is important because otherwise I will just listen to it for the rest of the night because I want to know what happens) and setting the volume to very low. I set the sleep timer to 15 minutes and most of the time I’m asleep way before it turns off.
I had to experiment a bit to find audiobooks that hit the sweet spot of being engaging enough to keep my mind from wandering but not so much that I can’t drift of to sleep but once I found a few, it’s been a real game changer.
Yeah, idk what OP is talking about. I had a snowball fight with my brother and went sledging with my cousins a few weeks ago and in summer I regularly meet up with friends to go riding our bikes, swim in a lake or explore the woods.
I can’t believe that no one has mentioned the famous shower orange yet. On Reddit there is a whole subreddit dedicated to it.
A cold orange in the shower is perfect – it’s refreshing, it smells great and you don’t have to deal with the usual mess of eating an orange.
Abbreviate keeping the first and some random later consonants (and sometimes consonants that aren’t in the word at all) without using punctuation: Dr, Mr, Ms, Mrs
I think it’s usually the first letter(s) and the last letter(s). In older English handwritings I’ve come across M.ʳ etc. So I think that’s were those came from.
For a moment I forgot about the omnipresence of AI generated pictures and wondered what the hell the thing in the second picture is supposed to be.
I have to admit, chemistry has been a while and I don’t remember the exact definitions of organic vs inorganic chemistry, so I just went off the “carbon-based” in the OP.
In recent years, activated charcoal.
(Because many people apparently don’t know this: Don’t eat activated charcoal if you take any medication, it can render your medication ineffective)
Edit: Wait, I’m dumb, charcoal is very much carbon-based.
and that you have another dispensery you can go to for a while if she says no
This is an important point. When asking someone out, they should have the ability to escape the situation, if they want to. Both in the actual moment of being asked out and in the greater scheme of things. She can’t really escape, if she has to serve you as a customer.
When starting to cook on my own, I always found it very stressful, because I felt you had to do so many things in parallel and then you look away for too long at the wrong time and something burns.
What helped me is reading the whole recipe very carefully and then prepare everything before actually starting to cook. Many recipes tell you something like “while x simmers, cut y / prepare z”. That’s fine, when you have developed a feeling for how long things take, but as a beginner, it’s better to do everything sequentially. It takes longer that way, but it makes it much less stressful and overwhelming.
If that is the case, then they are more the exception than the rule. (Do you by chance have any source on that? Because I’m pretty sure here in Germany that’s not the case) Also, at least Switzerland produces less beef than it consumes, so that’s not exactly sustainable. I don’t know about the other two.
Also, hardly any cows just eat grass these days. That’s not how you get a lot of meat as fast and as cheap as possible. Also, since cows need a lot of grass, I a lot less area would remain for other crops even if they did (since grass needs way more area for the same amount of calories than stuff like soybeans). So it’s actually a good thing, they aren’t just eating grass.
I wish. I usually have headaches, because my hormones go on a rollercoaster ride throughout my menstruation cycle.
Or being able to breathe normally when you don’t have a cold.
Well, most people already forgot where it originated. That is from people whose job was to compute stuff by using tables, calculators and paper.
The fact that most of the times the stigma only clings to the person selling and not the person buying makes me think that this is actually a negligible part of the stigma.