Yup. I went to school with somebody who was big into youtubing, he had professional Sony software for editing snd everything. The guy only had at most 20 subscribers and he’d been doing it for a while.
Yup. I went to school with somebody who was big into youtubing, he had professional Sony software for editing snd everything. The guy only had at most 20 subscribers and he’d been doing it for a while.
You obviously haven’t been looking at many burkinis. A burkini is a combo of a burkha and a bikini so they’re designed for Muslim women who are stricter in following the Quran. There’s no fucking way that they are designed for showing off a woman’s figure prominently. Unless you think burkha’s are form fitting.
I’ve nothing really to add but the gta game was San Andreas and Take Two replaced the already functional ports with the mobile version so all that’s available now is the shitey mobile version. I own/owned it on PS4/5 and PC and now I don’t play it at all because if I redownload it I’m getting the mobile version.
Music is my go to. Set my phone down and put a playlist on. I’m not quick at showering so if I didn’t use music I’d only half ass cleaning myself.
I already know of a couple occasions where I was close to dying. Once at 5 I split my head open and had to go to hospital for stitches, I had a tea towel held to my head to stem the flow of blood. The second time was three years ago when I was admitted to hospital because of a flare of Ulcerative Colitis (IBD, Crohn’s disease is the other type) and I lost so much blood over the months I had the flare that I had to get a transfusion and iron infusion.
I remember my sister telling me to use facial wash for acne with stuff like that in it. Thank fuck I’ve ADHD and never got a routine going with using it.
Good luck not getting killed then…
And? What the fuck does that change in regards to the lawsuit? He is the CEO and he is responsible, that’s the reality right now.
Skydiving without a parachute would be my first choice.
This has been my experience whenever I’ve phoned support.
Basically any that appeals. My biggest issue when I last used Linux with gaming was getting non steam games working through bottles or lutris, I had no idea how to set them up. Steam and proton played almost all of my library and worked well.
My eyesight is so bad I have to shower with my glasses on. I’ve astigmatism in one eye and I’m really short sighted. My mother who was blind in one eye and had short sightedness was actually able to see better than me.
My face is the same. I remember someone trying to start an argument with me because my face apparently didn’t match what I had said. I was incredibly confused because no one had ever pointed it out to me before so he was telling me about my facial expression and I was disagreeing because I had no idea.
I hate eating cold leftovers. I hate the texture and I hate the temperature of the food. I haven’t been diagnosed with autism though tests were inconclusive when I tested for Asperger’s as a kid but I have traits of autism and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a sensory issue.
Welp. I don’t know if I’m capable of working to begin with my chronic illness. I’m unemployed currently and it’s not even manageable at home, I’ve been in hospital twice in a month. And I’ve been having a flare up of it since January. So most two seasons so far.
That’s never going to happen. Sony, Nintendo and Sega would all throw millions to stop that.
It’s because of how shit saints row 2 and gta 4 are on PC that I use my Xbox to play Xbox 360 games.
If copyright law is involved then you’re looking at 70 years after the author’s death or 95 years depending on which expires first for it to be public domain and only the original iteration is released into the public domain. That’s for the USA and different countries have different laws and I’d imagine that would complicate things massively as an online library would have to be compliant with various laws of different countries
So take Mickey Mouse for example he’s now in the public domain but only in his original form in the Steamboat Willie cartoon, anything that uses something more recent than that like his red shorts for example would be taken down.
I’m sure some postmasters went postal over being convicted of no crime.
A gift apparently. Though I’m curious why someone would give nazi memorabilia as a gift and if the gifter knew it wasn’t a genuine historical item when giving it to op.