I tried it and made a few things for around the house.
It’s fine, but it’s Invasive, and so cloud connected that I got really fed up with it.
I would pay them the same price for an offline only version.
I tried it and made a few things for around the house.
It’s fine, but it’s Invasive, and so cloud connected that I got really fed up with it.
I would pay them the same price for an offline only version.
It’s a very sticky watermark. If you open and save a file in educational, the watermark cannot be removed even if you open it in paid commercial version later.
I spent a lot of time in free cad and am now trying Bricscad. I wanted to use Alibre because it’s way cheaper but it’s windows only and I couldn’t get it running in Proton or Wine.
I like freecad a whole lot, but I couldn’t stand the number of crashes any longer :(
I couldn’t find any other sane priced software that wasn’t Cloud-integrated (looking at you, dassault).
I never have been able to.
I used to be able to boil my water with electrons from a nuclear reactor.
Now that I moved, all my electrons get excited by high tech coal… Oh…
Oh boy, what can’t we put ads in?
Can we get MtDew Green Lights with Coca-Cola Red lights?
The spacebar on laptops is free game, just asking for it.
It really is a shame that I can still buy bedsheets that aren’t branded with a corporate advertising campaign.
A clear enclosure so they can watch but not touch.
If you cannot trust yourself, then do not provide yourself temptation
Who could have guessed that may-issue permits could be (gasp) abused!
I thought the police would be even and fair in their determination of who should get one, just like they are in all their other activities.
I am an engineer that has worked in the space industry my entire career, and here are my thoughts:
GOES and METEOR weather satellites transmit images publicly that are NOT real time, but are downlinked, processed, and uplinked for public broadcast. This is pretty simple and saves a lot of processing power on the spacecraft side. That’s important because the biggest constraints on spacecraft processing are: power budget, radiation hardiness, and thermal.
I was able to find an image of the actual satellite in assembly. From this we can guess that there is probably not more than a square meter of solar on-board, so we can give it a round 1300W of power. I couldn’t find any orbital parameters(If Gunter doesn’t have it, who does?), but given it’s main task is as an imager, we can assume LEO, and so this 1300W isn’t going to be constant since the spacecraft will most likely be eclipsed part of the time.
Generous 1000W average solar flux, generous 25% panel efficiency, 250W/h.
So lets look at rad hard processors. They have to be either shielded or run multiple and do voting, though even that isn’t fully acceptable as some SEU (single event upset) can cause permanent damage and leave you down a voting member. The latest and greatest RAD5545 advertises 5.6 giga-operations per second (GOPS) at 20 watts, so if we assume (artlessly, and likely incorrectly) a linear power usage, the 80 TOPS of the WJ-1A should need some 280kW. So we know they aren’t using a typical rad-hard CPU topology for their AI models. I see that Corel/Google advertise 2 TOPS per watt on their edge TPUs (Tensor Processing Unit).
So assume a large ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) at the same efficiency of 2TOPS/W, with 4x multiples for voting and we get a far more reasonable 160W. Still a LOT of power on orbit for such a small spacecraft, but actually possible.
So for thermal limits, do they run the TPU only on the dark side in place of their on-board heater? The have some white panels that might be radiators, but it’s hard to say.
Hard to say from these fluff articles. I really want to hear:
I expect to see more ML in space, but to be honest I did not expect it to be in such a small form factor.
Not sure why it happens.
Just using it on fedora as installed from the repos.