Yea I know, I said that.
People still call them fuse boxes though.
Yea I know, I said that.
People still call them fuse boxes though.
Yea I know, I’ve wired a plug.
Never seen a fuse in a socket though. That comment is completely wrong and yet it’s the most up voted reply.
Never seen a house without a fuse box either.
Why are people saying this?
I’ve lived in multiple UK houses and never once seen a socket with a fuse. Are you saying this was change way way back in the day?
All houses have fuse boxes (which then got upgraded to circuit breakers). Not one fuses in sockets. Would be a fucking nightmare to take the socket off and change a fuse.
Fucking hell state of the world.
Someone can dislike a woman without being misogynistic. Calling every guy that dislikes any particular woman misogynistic is just sexist. Don’t be scared of offending sexists.
Yesterday unless you’re mental.
Is 27 outside right now. What am I talking about?
I don’t know what to say.
This is just outright wrong. But you so confident about it I doubt anything I will say matters.
Every single person I have ever spoken to. From teachers in school, university advisors, parents, friends, family, HR staff, bosses, have said that a CV is no more than 3 pages. Almost always it is said to be 2, sometimes 1 is offered and very occasionally I have heard 3. But never more. Should always be tailored but I have heard people making generic enough ones that can be used for similar jobs.
I guarantee almost all job that specifically asks for a CV would throw out a 10 pager.
Unless you are talking about how things were in the 1800’s this is just wrong. Which I doubt anyone got a job with more than a handshake before 1945.
Need more people like David Mitchell to complain about these things.
They are the same thing.
Lots of things list them both with a slash showing then to be the same thing.
CV is more correct though.
Why don’t programmers make a programme that can read dates instead of complaining that dates aren’t in a obscure format?
They in control of their own issues.
Humans made things for humans.
Rearranging everything is better but more expensive. Sometimes it absolutely will be and has been done. There will be cases where humanoid robot is cheaper and easier. That’s not even bringing up new uses like waiter or carer, but those will be much later generations.
Proof of concept. Speed has already increased and it will.
Lots of companies must be looking into humanoid robots and I know they have already been looking into robotic arms
In regards to the question at hand how so that a shit analogy?
I’ll try actually answer the question and get hated for it I’m sure rather than circle jerking something to the top. But I think it goes like this.
Imagine you had a ball and a cube. Then everyone agrees the ball is a ball and a cube is a cube. Been like this as long as anyone remembers.
Then suddenly someone comes around and says one of those cubes is special and is actually a ball. Then everyone agrees that person is mental. Years go by and more people start saying that some cubes are balls and you feel like you are losing you mind. You know what a ball is, everyone knows what a ball is! How can anyone say a cube is a ball. People attack you for it. People say you are wrong that you are hateful, horrible but you know! Surely everyone knows this is a joke.
They started painting cubes to look like balls and everyone acts like they are balls. But you know they aren’t balls.
You are happy to group them on different measures. Sure some balls and some cubes are red, some are yellow. Both balls and cubes can be spiky, sure balls are more often spiky but there is nothing wrong with a spiky cube. Each to there own. Most cubes are smooth but some balls are smooth. That’s fine.
There are a million and one ways to group these shapes. But at the end of the day a cube is a cube and a ball is a ball. Anything else is madness and you’re not standing for it. You can group them however you want, choose whatever is the most important, fine is doesn’t matter. But don’t say something that is obviously a cube is a ball and what is obviously a ball a cube. You can’t change the definition of a cube to be what that shapes feels it is, that’s meaningless. It defeats the purpose of the word. Sure make a new word but don’t use that word.
Like what?
I heard that in the bible their are other gods.
Back in the day when you were in Norway you worship the Norse gods. If that guy got on a boat and went to Greece he would worship the gods there, not the ones from home.
“You shall have no other gods before me”
What does that mean? Gods don’t exist or they do but Yahweh is the most important? The second seems more likely to me.
A lot of people that want to travel can’t handle the hard stuff. It seems more about how you deal with that than how you deal with the good stuff.
Same with careers. Lot of people chase the good stuff then realise all the bad shit makes it terrible. I also noticed a few women who really want to be high in their career to stick it to the man. They either really sexist people or they find out that no one actually cares and that all the guys that have made it to the top worked really hard and put a lot of hours in. Suddenly they realise that what they will have to do too and they completely lose interest.
Being a house wife has a lot of perks and limited downsides, if you don’t mind the downsides it’s really really appealing.
Lack of cultural integration, homophobia, sexism, racism, religion, lack of local training and development, lack of capital investment, high housing costs, poor housing quality, wage suppression, increasing density of the country, crime, making places less desirable and more crime ridden.
But no one ever wants to talk about anything that isn’t short term averages.
I haven’t got an issue with immigration as a concept or necessarily as an average.
But there is a reason no one complains about first, second, third generation Australians coming to their country not learning the language, not integrating, committing crimes and no treating women right. A lot of people on the left live in outright denial about immigration.
Sure keep the upper class happy by keeping wages down and house prices high. Only costs you money, safety and community.
Immigration is lost in the short term averages at the least. It needs breaking down and calculating out over lifetimes.
Yes. I believe that’s true but I’ve never done it myself.