Aruarian dance: Youtube
Works great for humans and lizards alike
Aruarian dance: Youtube
Works great for humans and lizards alike
It sounds like you’re at a good point to join a campaign with actual people in all honesty.
It’s easier said than done, but there are newbie friendly groups out there who’ll more than happily help you fill in the gaps and I think you might find it more rewarding.
Does it come pre-installed on any phones? Might be a reason the downloads are inflated.
For me roasting your own beans is a case of “easy to do, difficult to master”. It’s a great hobby dont get me wrong, but the way this post is phrased makes it seem like you’ll be getting amazing results from the get go.
There’s a huge amount of trial and error and even with the best will in the world you might not be able to come close to what a local roaster can provide.
I think lofi hip hop is a pretty good call, the whole set of Samurai Champloo albums are gold!