This has all the hallmarks of bean counters making decisions over engineers and market analysts.
This has all the hallmarks of bean counters making decisions over engineers and market analysts.
Do those same women think other women should die for a miscarriage like has happened twice now because of its connection to abortion. Or how about the lady face a life sentence in prison for a miscarriage. I think you’re utterly discounting the seriousness of all of that.
Those ‘unaffiliated’s are just embarrassed republicans. Just like most of the centrists you’ll run across.
Nice fantasy you’ve got there. Funny how you specifically call out ‘no wind’. While the poster you’re deriding isn’t making up fantasy scenarios and is going by real world actual implications. Are people buying their cars to hide them in garages and never use them.
Shocker. The places that basically have forced study schools top out but only just barely.
You’re either connected or disconnected. There is no in between. All you can do is toggle between them and hope no one is paying attention.
No I’m not. Google up police cracking criminal crypto wallets. These kinds of responses are exactly why this question got asked.
Do you need links to police cracking people crypto wallets. That’s about as secure as you’re going to get now and it’s still not enough. So what else have you got.
There’s no such thing as private on the internet. Sometime after the nineties everyone forgot that.
No “we” all don’t. Ask anyone who works support how fucking stupid the general population is about shit they use daily. Let alone stuff they heard years/decades ago. Seriously. Just start asking people to point to “the computer” and see how many point at the monitor even when it’s clearly an 80” wall hung TV.
On the progress of humanity over the last 10000+ years
Such a story is seductively simple.
Done. Nothing this person says is worth reading after that bullshit.
Yay finally something the US isn’t number one in.
I don’t really have a problem with youth sports. But it shouldn’t be a “profession”. We shouldn’t allocate hundreds of acres of land for parking lots that are only used for barely half the year. Games and tv and movies advance tech at least and don’t each up billions and trillions of dollars of my money for shit I and many others will never use. There are dozens of studies on the utter uselessness of these facilities.
They bring down the local economies and depending on the fans fanaticism can utterly destroy local towns after a bad kick or pass or whatever.
How much money and research has been devoted to proving that getting smacked in the head by a 400 lb wall of meat can cause concussions. Or more accurately to prove the misinformation that it wasn’t happening to be false.
Is it just me or does that image have LCARS vibes going for it.
Stop making every fucking game and open world mmo wanna be. Bring back single player with couch co op or make private lobby setups so we don’t have to fuck with every douche who wants to make everyone else’s life as sad as their own. I’m a big GYA fan but have refused to buy for this specific reason. Have almost given in repeatedly but just go watch some YouTube’s on it and it reminds me not to contribute to this shit every time.
Mass surveillance is absolutely natural. What do you think it was like for the last 10+ thousand years in villages and towns around the world. Everyone knew everyone, reputations and word of mouth was the currency of the millennia. Privacy as we know it has only exist for a very short period of time. The only reason we even got the privacy we had for a bit was because it was too much data and there were too many people for any one village to know everyone. Computers solved that. I don’t like the idea of cameras everywhere but as someone who’s been robbed repeatedly and watched others go through the same and with the utter failure that is our current legal system and our over reliance or for some twisted belief that human perception is somehow the end all be all of evidence or to determine the truth I welcome more public recording if it means I dont have to rely on some cop or other official to back or refute my testimony. I want a safe society not one where some random jackass can lose rheir mind and just blow off hundreds or more lives in a whim. There’s too many people now for the “it’s just a few people” argument. When you’re dealing with billions of individuals even a .00001% of fuckers is still a lot of fuckers. Come up with a way to stop them before hand without recording everyone and I’m down. Till then I’ll trust a video recording over a personal testimony any day of the week.
Oh look why got posted like a day after
Everyone seems to acknowledge it there.
Or those who think there’s an absurd amount of money and resources devoted to literally nothing productive. Every time the fuck cars people post about stadiums I really want to bitch about people who don’t live near or out in the country but seriously there’s WAY to much money spent on these places and events.
Really. A native and you’ve never personally seen it.
I only knew of one but after googling there appears to have been a few.
No one does this to them so they are incapable of ‘getting it’. Some CNN or Fox shit about Vance taking it up the ass from Trump with a few Facebook posts and maybe an AI deepfake to back it up might make them think twice. But then you have to get dirty with the people spreading the dirt. Who’s gonna jump in the mud pit….
“Why do people talk to other people”