The channel has 1m subscribers. It is by definition a random youtube channel to ~%99.9 of the population.
The channel has 1m subscribers. It is by definition a random youtube channel to ~%99.9 of the population.
The latest one was LSPatch. Did so much for me. Last message from the maintainer was something along the lines of ‘Seems like people are not happy with the project so I’m dropping it’.
I recently found out one my favourite FOSS projects was abandoned due to bullying. It was a small project and very fresh so it obviously came with some bugs and issues which is a given. The maintainer gave up only few months after because of all the negativity.
Well you can change your ‘assistant’ in Android so not even that.
Thank you so much! I did all the steps and it started working :D This is so much more convenient than before
I just installed Heliboard but nothing seem to have changed? I still need to switch to Magikeyboard for login anyway. Am I doing something wrong?
I remember there was a website where you could choose a companys Privacy Policy and it would give you the important points.
Yes you are correct in your assumption, but what OP is asking is if not signing into your Google account helps, which really doesn’t
Even if you don’t sign into an account, you still have google play services running on your phone (it’s seperate from play store). So even though you’re not directly feeding your information into it, they still infer a lot of information from how you use your phone e.g. the wifi you connect to, apps on your phone, location services etc. You can’t tell who someone is based on one or two of these little bits of data, but put them all together and now they know exactly who you are
That does not sound quick at all
I’m one of those people who believe every step towards privacy, no matter how small is a good choice. However I don’t think doing what you said does any good since google will still be collecting your data to build a profile on you, even worse if you already have an account they can easily link it to your existing profile
Thanks for the tips!
Haha reading your other replies, you’re too humble for someone who knows what they’re talking about
I’m not gonna go too deep into it because I’m not qualified to, but I think the issue currently at hand, is that we’re throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Most of the AI models currently used in different branches are being used because they showed promise in the original problem they were designed for. All these tools you see today were more or less designed over than 30 years ago. There’s a lot of interesting stuff being done at an academic level today but we (understandably so) don’t see those in an everyday conversation
That’s a future problem for general AI. Right now it’s still very difficult to make an AI in a specific subject that does it’s job perfectly. That’s why even the commercial AI that we have are (should be) treated more like an ‘Assistant’
That’s pretty cool, how difficult do you think it would be for someone with no prior experience in soldering to pull it off?
You can’t download from spotify unless you have premium. There are some apps that basically get spotify link, extract metadata and then download them from somewhere else entirely.