Yeah, I’d have left a misogyny warning if I’d remembered that part. Thanks for the note.
Proud anti-fascist & bird-person
Yeah, I’d have left a misogyny warning if I’d remembered that part. Thanks for the note.
Yeah, that’s pretty bad.
I still think it’s an interesting read.
How about HG Wells talking about mini wargaming in 1912? I think it’s fascinating to see proto-nerds inventing the geek stuff that we take for granted a hundred years later.
Little Wars via Project Gutenberg
Go to a thrift store like a real punk and find something cool & unique.
“A team of hitmen” LMAO!
If you want to get better, you have to practice every single day.
You’re going to suck at first, but then you’re going to suck less. You have to learn enjoy the process, which it sounds like you do, so great! I like to break up my play time into practicing something new and having fun; they’re both important.
One thing I’ve found is that keeping my guitar out and on the wall makes it a lot easier to get started playing, even if I don’t feel like it at the time. Once I’m about five minutes into playing, I’m into it.
Oh, and practice with a metronome. Most guitarists suck at rhythm (myself included). Using a metronome beats it into your head.
Scratching paper.
It makes my skin crawl.
Call your pharmacist. They’re an expert in the field, and it is their job to give you advice on your medications. You’ve already paid for this service, even as an American.
There was a book called The Ministry for the Future in which eco-terrorists used these drones to enforce fuel efficiency standards on shipping freighters.
It’s a very interesting book about taking the world back from billionaires who would ruin it to enrich themselves.
Cooking is something that fulfills a need that you have anyway, and is actually really easy to get into if you pick simple recipes to start out.
Maybe pick a few dishes that you’ve never tried to make before and see if you enjoy the process enough to want to branch out.
As a bonus, it’s one of the sexiest hobbies to have. Nearly everyone likes good food, even if its just a simple dish that you’ve perfected.
They’re consistent.
Which is not great when it comes to making compelling art (IMO), but it makes for a predictable experience with a known value which appeals to many people.
Not really my thing, but I’m glad people like it. Everything doesn’t have to be for me.
Wow, that’s insanity. I don’t particularly like the word, but come on.
It does get confusing! I’m kind of a Shakespeare nerd, and the cult I was in till I was a young adult was big on the King James Version of the bible, so I guess I’ve just had a lot of exposure. I don’t really know the rules.
Maybe they thought you were accepting the classic introductory RPG quest?
I believe it’d be thou wouldst sound archaic or thou soundest [most] archaic, in early modern English depending on the tense, but that’s a great point.
In German one capitalizes all nouns, proper or not.
one of the more confusing is learning other gendered languages where the gender of some object is different to the one in your mother tongue
That’s something I hadn’t really considered. Interesting!
Non-gendered wording isn’t exclusive to English. Asia exists.
I wasn’t trying to imply otherwise.
Thanks for the insight!
I live in Texas, and we focused on the glories of “free-market” “laissez faire” capitalism in our American history class.
Not a word about things like the Triangle Shirtwaist fire or the Homestead Strike or the Great Railroad Strike of 1922. I’m frankly shocked that we talked about the civil rights movement at all.