I recently started buying Tillamook, and it is sooo much better than the other brands. It kind of ruined the other brands for me now, I’ll buy them on sale and then be disappointed that I did when I eat it.
The acronyms in question are defined in the article, ysrcrtabr, you should really consider reading the article before replying
Don’t text while you are driving. What the fuck?
Probably not. Since the point of money is to be able to buy more and better things, there will always be a desire to have more money, even if nobody else cares how much you have.
Maybe billionaires just have faster heart rates
They aren’t old, they’re right around my age!
Yes, it was interesting and I’m planning to reread it sometime soon, but no it’s not a quick easy read. I’d recommend snow crash or the diamond age, they’re both fun and easy books.
I have the same headset, and as of a few weeks ago when I last checked, there is not complete support. I think the display works mostly, but the controllers don’t so it might depend on what you are doing.
“it’s just a few bad apples”
That’s only half the saying. It is used most of the time as if the full thing is “a few bad apples aren’t a problem because the rest are fine” rather than the real thing “a few bad apples spoil the lot.”
But that isn’t the context that phrase is normally used in. That phrase is more like a euphemism for “I’m an asshole, but want it to sound like I’m not”
Yes, that’s why if you don’t have cancer it is dangerous (to the quarters it family members). If you do have cancer, you are going from having cancer to a slightly higher than average risk of a different cancer in the future. It’s worth getting treated.
It says “no ElonS” We’re allowed to have one
Why else would a server have a video port?
Not quite portal gears, that has the input shaft fixed at the top. This is like an adjustable portal gear.
Are you serious or did I miss the /s?
Booking a flight to Epstein Island?