Is that all it does? Is HP so backwards that they introduce a whole new attack surface just to store a date stamp?
…Actually don’t answer that.
There’s no way this would have been admissable as evidence on its own.
On one hand, 360hz seems imperceptibly faster than 240hz for human eyes.
On the other hand, if you get enough frames in, you don’t have to worry about simulating motion blur.
Cisco might have something to say about that name.
Are there at least two front facing cameras for depth perception?
“One point twenty one jigawatts!”
The video is TL;DW for me right now, but there’s a comment on the video which is fascinating enough on its own to pique my interest:
Back in 1997, a nasty October storm knocked down some power lines near my home. One of our dogs ended up getting her back legs paralyzed after going outside and had to be put down. We thought she stepped on a downed line, but after seeing your demonstration with the Hulk Hogan figure, I think I have a better understanding of what happened. Just going near the downed line would have been enough to do the damage.
In very rare cases (nuclear fusion) the water is destroyed into its primitive elements
Simple electrolysis will split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
Nuclear reactions will change the atoms, but you don’t have to go that far to break down water.
Although not true, I give this a pass for being a Nirvana lyric.