1 a : to propel oneself in water by natural means (such as movements of the limbs, fins, or tail) b : to play in the water (as at a beach or swimming pool) 2 : to move with a motion like that of swimming : glide a cloud swam slowly across the moon 3 a : to float on a liquid : not sink b : to surmount difficulties : not go under sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish— Daniel Webster 4 : to become immersed in or flooded with or as if with a liquid potatoes swimming in gravy 5 : to have a floating or reeling appearance or sensation
Apparently, swimming inherently requires a liquid.
For me the value of podman is how easily it works without root. Just install and run, no need for sudo or adding myself to docker group.
I use it for testing and dev work, not for running any services.