The only time I have ever had a tampon come out on its own, even partially, was during a super heavy flow day as I was on the pot. That was one of the singular most unpleasant feelings I’ve had on a toilet.
The only time I have ever had a tampon come out on its own, even partially, was during a super heavy flow day as I was on the pot. That was one of the singular most unpleasant feelings I’ve had on a toilet.
Not necessarily on the first day, but period poos are the fucking worst.
That capitalism boulder ain’t gonna roll itself.
Ridiculously often. Most of the time, I’ll type out most of a comment before realizing I just…don’t care to engage and don’t want to see replies.
If I’m low on spoons (which is most of the time), that’s what’ll happen unless I —
Okay, just for the sake of giving as authentic an answer to your question as possible, I got bored of trying to organize my thoughts into coherent words at the "—“ and intended to delete. Didn’t solely because of the question.
Also goddamn I’m wordy.
Billionaires shouldn’t exist; no one needs that much money. They should be taxed until there are no more billionaires.
If you have money to invest, you aren’t struggling to survive.
I don’t disagree with you that slave labor is bad regardless of who, what, where, how. I disagree, however, that there’s not much difference between purchasing products you need and investing in a business.
Some folks can’t afford anything except cheap clothing/household goods from overseas, where they are often made in sweatshops with slave and/or child labor; it’s not their fault that they can’t afford to purchase ethical products. No one needs to invest in a business, though, so choosing to invest in one that deals in slavery is that investor’s fault.
For those of us who can afford ethically-sourced/made items, though, I agree that it’s quite similar. I have no excuses other than people are, as a whole, not good to each other. :(
Anyone voluntarily participating in the US for-profit prison system is, almost assuredly, a problematic person with questionable morals.
It’s literally making money off of slavery. If you would not be proud to call yourself a slave-owner, I’d hope you would also not be proud to invest in slavery.
Royal “you,” by the way. Not OP, specifically.
Unfortunately, when “politics” equals “whether certain people deserve basic human rights,” it’s not a minor issue. I don’t keep company with people who think I’m subhuman.
Seconding everything here, but emphasizing point 2. Some folks have metal allergies or sensitivities - nickel is a common one, for example.
Surgical steel is usually safe, but still best to confirm she doesn’t have any particular sensitivities.
I feel the same. I like not having commercials in my music and being able to listen to a wide variety.
I see you’re unfamiliar with the alternate spelling, skwerl.
Too soon, too soon!
Wait, does that mean…this you?
This is what I knew I needed in my life. Thank you ❤️
Because of the overlay text, I now really want to see a shopped version of this where Kirk is exceptionally short.
Given the fact that your question has caused The Evil Song to get stuck in my head, Sorcerer, I feel you are obligated to erase “It’s a Small World” from my mind and from existence.
Please and thank you.
The only time I saw one was on a cheap dollar store plug. I immediately thought it was defective.
This is neat info!
The red spot on black indicates this specimen is a black widow.