Think of it as a small rabbit rather than a large mouse!
Not many eat rabbits these days, but it’s long been thought of as human food compared to most other rodents.
For all your owl related needs!
Think of it as a small rabbit rather than a large mouse!
Not many eat rabbits these days, but it’s long been thought of as human food compared to most other rodents.
They are the end results of millions of years of evolution prioritizing speed, strength, and stealth.
They are simply elegant and have to be strongly assertive to survive.
They have a spark of danger while we’re not living in competition with them, or for most of us, we’re not in any danger from them.
They share a number of qualities of things most humans would be attracted to aesthetically.
They’re the pro athletes of the animal world.
If you picked an animal to come back as if you were reincarnated, would you want to be a rabbit or a cow when you could be an eagle or a shark?
Most aren’t killing for fun (looking at you, house cats!), they’re just doing what is required of them to survive. It’s a brutal world for all wild animals, from the single celled to a whale. A predator is no worse than anything else trying to make it to the next tomorrow.
Hey! I resemble this remark! 😓
Ah cool, just wanted to make sure I read about the thing you were talking about as the 12th covers some other topics too. It was an interesting story how that all came about, thanks for encouraging me to look it up!
Is this in reference to the 12th Amendment or something else?
The more I learn about Andrew Jackson, the more I see why Trump chose his photo to hang up, and the more I see we haven’t learned much as a country in 200 years. 😑
My most downvoted posts here were agreeing with Hillary Clinton in an interview where she said in a personal interview, not a campaign event, that left wing voters need to “get over it” (infighting during election season) and support then-candidate Biden because we only get 2 choices and if we don’t we’ll end up stuck with another Trump term.
Beat me to it! I was going to say at least a couple basic meals that you really enjoy. It can be fancy, or it can be some dorm quality things that fill you with nostalgia, as long as prepping it and eating it makes you happy.
We need to eat, and we need to feel satisfaction from something we have done ourselves, so do both at once.
I was excited to see these guys at the National Aviary, but looking through my photostack, I see I didn’t even bother to take a picture. Up in the tree, it just looked like a black pigeon. 😐
The colors are an effect of refraction, so seeing them in a canopy takes that away. If you go scrolling pics of them, you’ll see they’re almost all really sunny photos.
This photo represents what I remember seeing:
They’re still cool though!
The picture I took from the overlook this spring at Fallingwater.
I went on a whim, as I like architecture, but I’m not super into it, but this house was amazing.
I turn the hanger backwards and put them to one side of the closet rack.
There are no friends or a cause you believe in to leave things to?
Power of attorney is one of my big trouble areas. I don’t know if I’d want to thrust that responsibility on anyone, and with a meh family and just a handful of good friends, I didn’t have many options.
Isn’t that the point of the plans though?
It’s important to set achievable goals!
It sounds like a person can’t even die anymore without first consulting a lawyer! 😕
They already went over it with the attorney. I didn’t really hear any details how it went, but in another comment here, I tried to look it up, and they advertise the fact right on the main page of their site in a not obscure way, so they don’t seem to be pulling a fast one.
I’m not sure if this is necessary, at least at our current wealth level, but just a few moments reading has added this to my list of things to learn more about!
There’s a lot of interesting legal and financial aspects to it!
Ah, thank you, that looks very comprehensive! I’ll have to bookmark this.
I was a bit disappointed her kids got left a fairly big mess. Their dad just died last year, and that nothing got done to prepare after that was a surprise to me with as complex as their situation was, as neither of them were in the best health as it was.
I’m in the US.
I’d like to at least make sure the house is paid off so she doesn’t need to worry about losing her home. I have my home’s full value in retirement savings now, and the actual house is half paid off, so I don’t think I need a huge supplement. She has a good job now as well with a pretty guaranteed future (medical field). Maybe a term policy to cover us until the house pay off date would be a good place to start looking.
Interesting. I tried looking it up quick but didn’t see anything that would be bad. Buddhism and Hinduism seem to regard tigers as symbols of strength and valor and as protectors. There are an almost infinite number of beliefs though, so I won’t doubt others believe the opposite just as well.
The only guess I could come up with is maybe if you were a tiger people would ask be afraid of you and possibly want to hurt you for being so potentially dangerous.