Emergencies that would normally sever other means of communications. Think natural disasters that interrupt internet access. Usually radio stations are the first to come back up, and priceless at times where information is key.
Emergencies that would normally sever other means of communications. Think natural disasters that interrupt internet access. Usually radio stations are the first to come back up, and priceless at times where information is key.
Oye weon que andai haciendo acá jaja
WhatsApp is easily the most used chat app outside the US and has never gone away. I live in South America and it’s HUGE here, specially since IPhones didn’t caught on down here, so we don’t use whatever app the US public uses.
So then why not use pen and paper and be done with it? It’s basic opsec
What do you mean by decimal use? I live in a country who has always used C°, and never in our life we had to use decimal points for everyday usage. All boilers and ovens and kettles and thermostats and lab equipment is used with whole numbers.
Que chucha, acá siempre usamos estadounidense, norte americano, o derechamente gringo. Jamás he escuchado a nadie decir americano para referirse específicamente a los de EEUU.
Excepto la ropa americana, pero ese es otro contexto cultural que no tiene anda que ver con la discusión.