Is this inspired by the “my son cooked me food” post from today? If so, well done crafting it into a joke!
Is this inspired by the “my son cooked me food” post from today? If so, well done crafting it into a joke!
It did in fact make me think and I thank you for that. You won’t like the outcome of that thinking, though.
First of all, I’m far far away from being “mobilized”. I do agree that you could call what the killer did “terrorism” though, as he seeks to influence behavior by mortal fear (terror). Wheter the end justifies the means (as some would argue for example for "eco-terrorism) I don’t know. But I see how some people may feel like all other, more civil, avenues to change their life and the system for the better have been blocked off. But again, I’m far from being “mobilized” as in encouraging such behavior or even picking up a gun myself.
Now why did I laugh at the response? Simple: It’s morbid and unexpected, which are two aspects that I often find humorous.
Do I feel bad about laughing? No. The reason and the main difference to the “hate speech” you refer to are twofold: First, this joke is punching up, not punching down, as hate speech usually is. Second, hate speech is usually about what people are (black, asian, transgender, gay). This guy in contrast was loathed for what he did. That’s a major difference, since you can’t change what you are but what you do is in your hands.
I would love to hear a response from you but the condescension and smugness in your tone of writing makes me think that this won’t make you think.
Holy fuck. Not saying I agree (also not saying I don’t) but I laught at that answer.
I also at first thought it’s not that bad, because it looks like the main part of the computer is “hovering”, because it stands on that round portion. But then I saw that the button is on the backside! Why? That way you have to reach around everything, making it impossible to fit the thing into some smaller space and still use it. If it was on the bottom but in the front you would still have your beloved button-less design but the button would still be pretty accessible.
And a metal scream and a metal growl are also two different things that both exist. That’s why I assumed they were talking about the former. ¯_ (ツ)_/
Not if done correctly. Metal singers do it all day long. It’s all about technique and heeding the warning signs when you’re not doing it right.
If you’re talking about the metal music kind of screaming look up “vocal fry” or “fry screaming” on YouTube. It’s a technique, and it’s surprisingly not that loud. Like you wouldn’t use a fry scream to shout at your friend a block away but on a recording or through the mic on stage you can’t tell so it looks and sounds like the singer is screaming their lungs out.
Also if you try it yourself make sure to stop before it hurts! If done correctly you can fry scream all day. If done incorrectly and ignoring the warnings signs you could end up needing surgery on your larynx. Have fun!
I can recommend the “Behind the Bastards” (podcast) episode on Steve Jobs.
What a weird… weird man.
Don’t worry, we need more of those too. <3
Then you’d have 0 dollars because they aren’t dorks. They’re nerds and we need more of them. ¯_ (ツ)_/¯
Not yet…
Is the youtuber Investor Linus (tech tips)? If so, what are his controversial politics?
Why are they using Word in an exam in the first palace? Like, to write an essay? Our non-pen-and-paper exams were all using some web platform that worked pretty well.
Thank you for sharing your experience and may the winds blow ever in your favor! Ahoy!
I’ve heard good things about tidal in regards to paying artists (more) fairly. Does anyone know more about the alternatives or has experience with them? Also in terms of the library size I’m not sure how the services compare…
I hate how much time and energy is wasted on this bullshit…
You’d think the smartest people around would come up with a be better system than this. I mean they did, but some of the highest decision-makers have big incentives to keep things as they are. So mark that one more on the “capitalism ruins everything it touches” scoreboard.
Thank you for clarifying.
Uh, watt?
To all of you reading this who are interested but don’t have home assistant (yet): I just set a timer for as long as the laundry takes. If I can’t go get it when the timer goes off I will place a “memento” somewhere (for example placing something on the ground in my way where it doesn’t belong) so I remember. The “set lighting to hell until I do it” solution sounds neat too, though. =)
Oh wait, you’re even the same person who made the mistake? That’s even better then! And good on you for taking it with such humor. =)