Yeah, I think so. It could also be cleaning fluid that has pitted and eroded the finish. Alcohol is awful on coated things.
Yeah, I think so. It could also be cleaning fluid that has pitted and eroded the finish. Alcohol is awful on coated things.
Oh that’s good then, a lot of people get diagnosed with depression and other issues and metabolic problems get overlooked and not tested for. I hope you feel better it really sucks to have burnout and fatigue.
Get your thyroid checked if you can, and rule out anemia too. Might also be a good idea to check for low vitamin D levels, that can also cause pain, fatigue, burnout, brain fog.
It may be depression with ADHD, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but get your thyroid checked and other things.
Use a good steam cleaner and enzymatic cleaner that is often used for biological messes like pet urine. The enzymes will break down the odor and remove it.
Don’t mix chemicals together. that can be dangerous.
I would like a hide previous posts option. So many things are reposted.
I think the saying is an abstract concept and began because the customer is always right if the business is doing well or not, but somehow the meaning got twisted around to an abomination of “Customer is entitled to bully, throw a tantrum and be arrogant and demanding.”
My dog likes Bluey! And she watches some movies over and over. The person sharing the server knows though.