Society has to acknowledge that half of its members are of below average intelligence. And we need a way to handle the lowest tenth, since they are a danger to themselves and others.
Society has to acknowledge that half of its members are of below average intelligence. And we need a way to handle the lowest tenth, since they are a danger to themselves and others.
Interesting, thank you!
Hab SoSlI’ Quch! >>>:(
What you identify as does not matter, as long as you die in battle with honor!
Out of curiosity, where and in which social groups did you hear this? I have never heard such thoughts here in Germany, and we tend to be idiots.
Keep fighting the good fight, we have to keep the lights on in free soft- and hardware to provide a harbor for people who want to escape this shit.
Just the term “side loading” instantly frames installing software on a device you own as something shady.
Also don’t forget the dubious AliExpress devices that have all these symbols, no data lines, Vcc at 12V and ground attached to a loose M8 nut.
When is the defense against an invasion force bloodthirsty?
Companies should be required to maintain a stash of plans and source code which is automatically released upon the company stopping operations, unless the IP is bought.
Because I don’t want to be forced to adapt by others.
We are all forced all the time to follow social norms. Short of moving to a cabin in the woods, this is inescapable, for better or worse. In this master/main debate it seems like we can make some people happy with minimal cost. In the end it is a tiny irrelevance, when compared to other norms being changed.
“main” is shorter than “master”. “sub” is shorter than “slave”. Why worry about social issues when you can just type less and move on? :)
Bill Stickers incited riots, spread pro-government propaganda and defaced my door!
He is a dear friend to Lan Party and Arya Cummingtonite.
You can try as you might, but Bill Stickers will be prosecuted!
Maybe one extra world: They lied maliciously.
Also, they did so repeatedly, over a very long time and while it must have been fully apparent with insider knowledge that this setup cannot work.